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JOB BOARD – Update

  • JobBoard; As noted two weeks ago, JobBoard will endeavour to have a part-time position available in the Wellington, Porirua and Hutt Valley region. This will take effect from next week – Tuesday the 28th June. This week is a sole employment partnership with Accor Hotels, who own and manage a number of award-winning hotels around the Wellington region. Two students have been successfully placed into part-time work, and there is are a large number of part-time opportunities for the interested students (Shifts will NOT occur during school).
  • JobBoard Apprenticeships; The Wellington E2E Centre is communicating with many employers around the Wellington region, regarding apprenticeship opportunities that are available. Such apprenticeships range from carpentry, butchery, cookery and more. Once I have received enough apprenticeships from employers, we will be creating a JobBoard Apprenticeships, which will be made available to your Gateway students/students that are looking to go down vocational pathways. Further information will be provided once JobBoard Apprenticeships has been made available online.