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Learning Area - Arts

Year 9 choose at least one

Visual Art: Mixed Media – Year 9 (Full Year), 9MMA

DescriptionAssessmentVoluntary ContributionOptionalSpecialist EquipmentNoteTo Discuss Contact
You will explore a wide range of practical art styles using Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture and Design. You will increase your essential skills and gain confidence to create artworks using a range of materials and techniques, and be inspired to express yourself using established artists’ styles.You will create approximately four units of work. Regular teacher feedback and peer responses will help you to produce work that is both creative and skillful. The units are designed to help you focus on practical skills and ideas which will result in the development of your artistic and problem-solving abilities.Media, Paper, Card $25Personal art materials as detailed on the stationery listThis course leads to Year 10 Mixed Media Art or Year 10 Digital ArtMs Labrum

Visual Art: Digital Art - Year 9 (Half), 9DATa

DescriptionAssessmentVoluntary ContributionOptionalSpecialist EquipmentNoteTo Discuss Contact
In this course you will develop your basic digital competency and how to visually communicate using digital tools. You will increase your skills and gain confidence to create artworks using Adobe CC Photoshop and Illustrator. This will involve having the opportunity to design original characters, create a set of abstract gift cards and to explore an area of interest through zine design. No previous experience is required for this course. Cross transferable skills developed will include creativity, problem solving, communicating and self management.You will create three units of work. Regular teacher feedback will assist you to produce well resolved work.Students will need to cover their own printing costs.Personal art materials as detailed on the stationery listThis course leads to Year 10 Mixed Media Art or Year 10 DesignMs Labrum

Visual Art: Art Bites - Year 9 (Half Year), 9ABa

DescriptionAssessmentVoluntary ContributionOptionalSpecialist EquipmentNoteTo Discuss Contact
You will create approximately three concise units of work that involves Drawing, Painting, Sculpture or Printmaking. This course is designed for any student with an interest in developing their creativity. Across two school terms, you will become more confident applying art making skills, as well as acquiring knowledge of specific artist approaches to support your learning. This course is designed for all abilities with no previous experience required.You will create three units of work. Regular teacher feedback will assist you to produce well resolved work.Media, Paper, Card, Air-dried clay $20Personal art materials as detailed on the stationery listThis course leads to Year 10 Mixed Media Art or Year 10 DesignMs Labrum

Visual Art: Digital Art - Year 10, 10DAT

DescriptionAssessmentVoluntary ContributionOptionalSpecialist EquipmentNoteTo Discuss Contact
In this course you will learn to visually communicate a range of artworks using digital tools. This will involve having the opportunity to learn about typography, create a moving image, illustrate a book cover and work with photography. You will produce digital outcomes using Adobe CC Photoshop and/or Illustrator. This course will help you extend your digital competency and creative capabilities. No previous experience is required for this course. Cross-transferable skills developed will include creativity, problem solving, communicating and self management.You will create four units of work. Regular teacher feedback will assist you to produce well resolved work.Students will need to cover their own printing costs.Personal art materials as detailed on the stationery listThis course leads to Year 11 Mixed Media Art or Year 11 Design & Photography.Ms Labrum

Visual Art – Mixed Media Art, Year 10, 10MMA

DescriptionAssessmentVoluntary ContributionOptionalSpecialist EquipmentNoteTo Discuss Contact
The course is designed to pique your interest in the Visual Arts, no matter how much (or little) you've already experienced. You don't need to have taken Art in Y9. You'll learn to use a wide range of wet and dry media, building up your technical skills and experimenting with a range of approaches in order to develop your confidence. The disciplines studied are Drawing, Sculpture, Printmaking, Painting, Design and Mixed Media. We will also introduce you to a range of NZ and International Artists, who will inspire your work.You will create four - five units of work. Regular teacher feedback will assist you to produce well resolved work.Media, Paper, Card $40Take Home Brushes' $8.00Personal art materials as detailed on the stationery listThis course leads to Year 11 Mixed Media Art or Year 11 Digital Storytelling.Ms Labrum

Dance – Year 9 (Half Year), 9DAa

DescriptionAssessmentVoluntary ContributionNoteTo Discuss Contact
This half-year course is designed for anyone who enjoys Dance - no prior training is needed! Together we will explore creative movement, learn a repertoire of performance work and create some choreography. The course is designed to be different to studio dance programmes, extending and challenging ākonga to find their voice through Dance. Performance opportunities will be built into the course and students will need to work both individually and collaboratively on projects. Process and Performance are at the heart of all our work. You will receive feedback about your work in both areas during rehearsal and after performance opportunities. $40 to cover specialist tutors.It is expected that you wear either WGC PE uniform or a change of clothes suitable for movement for every lesson. Students can also take the full year Performing Arts course or half-year Drama if they want as courses are different.Ms Howes

Performing Arts – Year 9 (Full Year), 9PFA

DescriptionAssessmentVoluntary ContributionNoteTo Discuss Contact
In this full year course students will have the opportunitiy to work across both Dance and Drama.It is a largely practical, performance based course suitable for everyone; whether you are already a superstar in the making or someone who is hesitantly dipping their toes into the limelight. The course is aimed at developing students’ creativity and performance skills. You will work with others, explore ideas in a range of contexts, gain confidence, and learn to give and accept feedback.Context, Process and Performance are at the heart of all our work. You will receive feedback about your work in these areas during rehearsal and after performance opportunities.$40.00 for scripts and course based materials like props andcostumes.Students can also take the half-year Dance or Drama option if they wish to as the content will be different. This course leads to Year 10 Drama or Dance. Ms Howes

Drama – Year 9 (Half Year), 9DRa

DescriptionAssessmentVoluntary ContributionNoteTo Discuss Contact
The half-year Drama course is a great way to meet new people and gain some confidence. From script-work to improvisation, this course will get you sharing and exploring ideas across a range of contexts. Performance opportunities will be built into the course and you will need to work both individually and collaboratively on projects.This course will develop your drama literacy, self-discipline and ultimately give you the courage to work creatively. No prior performance experience is needed. Process and Performance are at the heart of all our work. You will receive feedback about your work in both areas during rehearsal and after performance opportunities. $30.00 for scripts and course based materials like props and costumes.Students may also choose to take full year Performing Arts or half-year Dance as these courses will cover different material. This course leads to Year 10 Drama.Ms Howes

Dance – Year 10, 10DA

DescriptionAssessmentVoluntary ContributionNoteTo Discuss Contact
Love to dance or just want a practical break in your day? This course is for you! No prior experience is required for this programme which is designed to offer something different to studio dance. It is practical and includes performance opportunities. You will learn a repertoire of dance, investigate dance history and create your own choreography. This is a collaborative course that will ultimately support the development of self-discipline and unlock your performance potential. Context, Process and Performance are at the heart of all our work. You will receive feedback about your work in these areas during rehearsal and after performance opportunities.$40.00 for tutors and course based materials like music and costumes.This course leads to Year 11 DanceMs Howes

Drama – Year 10, 10DR

DescriptionAssessmentVoluntary ContributionNoteTo Discuss Contact
This course is for everyone and will equip students with transferable life skills like confidence, communication, teamwork and creativity. You will investigate the characteristics, purpose and function of Drama; working with others to create and understand characters and performance pieces. There will be a number of live performance opportunities and this course will ultimately support the development of self-discipline and unlock your performance potential. Context, Process and Performance are at the heart of all our work. You will receive feedback about your work in these areas during rehearsal and after performance opportunities.$40.00 for scripts and course based materials like props and costumes.This course leads to Year 11 DramaMs Howes

Music – Year 9 (Full Year), 9MU

DescriptionAssessmentVoluntary ContributionSpecialist EquipmentNoteTo Discuss Contact
This course is for students who already have some formal musical training. These students should have already had weekly lessons in an instrument or singing for about a year or more; may know some music theory; may belong to a group such as Wellington Young Voices, or another musical group (instrumental or vocal) which practises every week and reads music. In this course you will play a variety of music in a class band/orchestra, compose and play pieces of music or songs in groups and by yourself, sing, and investigate a variety of musical styles and music of Aotearoa. You will also do theory at your own level; and practise aural skills e.g. rhythm patterns and intervals. Students applying for this course will be asked to complete a form providing information about their prior musical experience so we can ensure you have made the best music choice for you.Theory progress is regularly monitored and students receive and give ongoing feed forward in their practical tasks. There may be occasional short tests.$35.00 for your workbookStudents will need to have their own instrument for practise at home and head/earphones (not USB or bluetooth).If you enrol in this course you must continue your weekly music lessons in your instrument (voice is an instrument), either privately or at school through the itinerant music scheme; you will need to have an instrument at home so you can practise regularly; and you will be encouraged to join a school performing group. Membership fees for these groups will be published on the website. This course leads on to Year 10 Music. Ms Sutherland

Music – Year 9 (Half Year), 9MUa

DescriptionAssessmentVoluntary ContributionSpecialist EquipmentNoteTo Discuss Contact
This course is for students who already have some formal musical training. These students should have already had weekly lessons in an instrument or singing for about a year or more; may know some music theory; may belong to a group such as Wellington Young Voices, or another musical group (instrumental or vocal) which practises every week and reads music. In this course you will play a variety of music in a class band/orchestra, compose and play pieces of music or songs in groups and by yourself, sing, and investigate a variety of musical styles and music of Aotearoa. You will also do theory at your own level; and practise aural skills e.g. rhythm patterns and intervals. Students applying for this course will be asked to complete a form providing information about their prior musical experience so we can ensure you have made the best music choice for you.Theory progress is regularly monitored and students receive and give ongoing feed forward in their practical tasks. There may be occasional short tests.$35.00 for your theory workbookStudents will need to have their own instrument for practise at home and head/earphones (not USB or bluetooth).If you enrol in this course you must continue your weekly music lessons in your instrument (voice is an instrument), either privately or at school through the itinerant music scheme; you will need to have an instrument at home so you can practise regularly; and you will be encouraged to join a school performing group. Membership fees for these groups will be published on the website. This course leads on to Year 10 Music. Ms Sutherland

Music for Beginners – Year 9 (Full Year), 9MUB

DescriptionAssessmentVoluntary ContributionSpecialist EquipmentNoteTo Discuss Contact
This course is for students who have not had any formal music training or who are a bit rusty and want to pick it up again.In this course you will learn the basics of reading and writing music, learn to find your way around a piano/keyboard and play simple tunes, to play simple music on a ukulele, to recognise rhythm patterns and tunes by listening and playing, and learn about different musical styles.You will also do some class singing, and compose and play music in groups.Students applying for this course will be asked to complete a form providing information about their prior musical experience so we can ensure you have made the best music choice for you.Theory progress is regularly monitored and students receive ongoing feed forward in their practical tasks.$35.00 for your theory workbookHead/earphones (not USB or bluetooth).Students taking this full year course will join with 9MU in the second half of the year. This leads on to Year 10 Music. Ms Sutherland

Music for Beginners – Year 9 (Half Year), 9MUBa

DescriptionAssessmentVoluntary ContributionSpecialist EquipmentNoteTo Discuss Contact
This course is for students who have not had any formal music training or who are a bit rusty and want to pick it up again.In this course you will learn the basics of reading and writing music, learn to find your way around a piano/keyboard and play simple tunes, to play simple music on a ukulele, to recognise rhythm patterns and tunes by listening and playing, and learn about different musical styles.You will also do some class singing, and compose and play music in groups.Students applying for this course will be asked to complete a form providing information about their prior musical experience so we can ensure you have made the best music choice for you.Theory progress is regularly monitored and students receive ongoing feed forward in their practical tasks.$35.00 for your workbookHead/earphones (not USB or bluetooth).This course pairs well with Year 9 Music and leads on to Year 10 Music. Ms Sutherland

Music – Year 10, 10MU

DescriptionAssessmentVoluntary ContributionSpecialist EquipmentNoteTo Discuss Contact
This course is designed to help you to develop a broad range of musical skills and understanding, regardless of how much music you have done before. You will work in groups and individually, composing and song-writing, performing, analysing and developing aural and theoretical skills. You will also have the opportunity to create music using DAWs (e.g. Reaper) and learn to use musical notation software (Sibelius). Interest in all styles of music is welcomed, and practical tasks can be tailored to suit students' levels of experience. Everyone needs to be learning an instrument (voice is an instrument), but if you are not already, it is possible to begin in Year 10 through the itinerant music scheme, or privately if you so choose.Some units of work will finish with an assessment. This may be a test or assignment, or a practical group or individual task. Theory progress is monitored regularly.$35.00 for your theory workbookYou will need to have an instrument at home so you can practise regularly (the Music Department can sometimes help with this), and you will need basic head/earphones which are not bluetooth or USB. You will be strongly encouraged to join a school performing group (choir, orchestra, or concert band). Membership fees for these groups will be published on the website.If you are thinking about taking Music in Year 11 it's a really good idea to take this course. Ms Sutherland