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Senior Arts

Visual Art: Mixed Media Art - Year 11, 11MMA

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionOptionalSpecialist equipmentLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
Ko wai ahau! - Who I am! OR Who am I? This concept forms the society in which we live and has been explored and expressed throughout history using increasingly diverse and creative forms within the Arts. In this course you will visually explore aspects and questions around your identity - literally, conceptually and fantastically. Subject matter will be personal and individual. The general areas will include portraits, objects, landscapes, architecture and cultural objects/patterns. There will also be the opportunity to introduce ‘Fantasy’ elements. You will learn and develop fine art skills in drawing, painting, dry clay sculpture and printmaking. You will use these to create a body of work that uniquely expresses who you are and your place in Aotearoa. You will produce a highly finished series of works which will be composed into a contemporary Poupou and Tukutuku layout for an exhibition at the end of the year. No previous experience is required for this course. Cross transferable skills developed will include creativity, problem solving, communicating and self management.You will be formally assessed three times throughout the year and you will be given verbal feedback and advice weekly. There is a public exhibition of each students’ work, at the end of year.No specific prerequisites.11MMA Art Pack $61, Media, Paper, Card $55Personal art materials as detailed on the stationary listYear 12 Painting, Design, Photography.Ms Labrum

Visual Art: Design & Photography – Year 11, 11DPH

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionOptionalSpecialist equipmentLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
Are you interested in learning skills that enable you to effectively communicate and engage with ideas, using Design and Photography? In this course, you will have the opportunity to experiment with Digital Drawing and Illustration, Photography, Design using Wacom Tablet, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign. No previous experience is required for this course. Cross transferable skills developed will include the development of your creativity, problem-solving, analyses, critique and self management skills. Subject matter may include the exploration of location, portraits, objects, landscapes as well as reimaging your own photographic images into new illustration styles that communicate key messages to an audience.You will be formally assessed three times throughout the year and you will be given verbal feedback and advice weekly. There is a public exhibition of each students’ work, at the end of year.No specific prerequisites.11DPH Art Pack $50. Media, Paper, Card $30Personal art materials as detailed on the stationery listYear 12 Painting, Design, Photography.Ms Labrum

Visual Art: Design – Year 12, 12DS

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionSpecialist equipmentLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
Are you interested in book illustration or visual communication, such as poster design? In this course you will learn about typography, image generation, layout and how to manipulate images to communicate an idea. You will follow a scaffolded programme but will explore individually chosen themes. This course focuses on developing your creative thinking and digital skills. It provides you with opportunities to use a Wacom Drawing Tablet, Adobe CC Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, in addition to traditional art making media. There are opportunities for you to follow your artistic passion and develop a personal style within a graphic design context. Each student’s folio will be shown at the Visual Art Senior Folio Exhibition at the end of the year.A mixture of internal and external assessmentNo Pre-requisitesPhotocard & Wet strength $30, Folio panels $6, Double-sided tape $9Personal art materials as detailed on the stationery listYear 13 DesignNCEA Level 2Ms Labrum

Visual Art: Design – Year 13, 13DS

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionSpecialist equipmentLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
Do you want to develop your visual communication and artistic skills in a graphic design context? This course focuses on developing and extending graphic design experience. You’ll develop skills in typography, image generation, layout and compositional techniques to communicate in graphic design or book illustration. You will select an individual theme and response for either book design, product promotion, campaign or event advertising. Established artists will be used to support and inspire your individual projects. This course provides you with opportunities to use a Wacom Drawing Tablet, Adobe CC: Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, in addition to traditional art making media of your choosing. Each student’s folio will be shown at the Visual Art Senior Folio Exhibition at the end of the year. Y13 Design students are eligible for course endorsement.A mixture of internal and external assessment. Students have a choice to select a fully internal programme.12 Design or by negotiation with the Head of Department.Photocard & Wet strength $40, Folio panels $9, Double-sided tape $9Personal art materials as detailed on the stationery list. A portable data storage device (4GB or more), A3 black clearfile.UE is available from this course. It will lead to Tertiary study and/or creative industries.NCEA Level 3Ms Labrum

Visual Art: Painting – Year 12, 12PA

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionSpecialist equipmentLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
Would you like to develop your skills in a range of 'hands on' wet and dry media to express your ideas and opinions about the world around you? This programme teaches and develops the exploration of painting, drawing, and mixed media. Students will select a theme and related subject matter based around a social or political issue. This imagery will be used as a starting point for the development of creative thinking and artistic skills. You will learn to apply contemporary artist model techniques to your own work and you will learn how to recognise and select artists’ whose work suits your personal style. The programme is structured; however, students are encouraged to develop their own individual style and outcomes. Each student’s folio will be shown at the Visual Art Senior Folio Exhibition at the end of the year.A mixture of internal and external assessmentNo Pre-requisites12PA Art Pack $41, Media, Paper, Card $55, Folio panels $6, Double-sided tape $9Personal art materials as detailed on the stationery listYear 13 PaintingNCEA Level 2Ms Labrum

Visual Art: Painting – Year 13, 13PA

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionSpecialist equipmentQualification availableTo discuss contact
Would you like to extend your skills in a range of visual media to express your ideas and opinions about the world around you? You will start by choosing your own theme, subject matter and artist models. You will use these as a departure point for creating your own artwork. You can work in wet, dry and/or digital media. At the start of the year you will be encouraged to explore and experiment with a wide selection of approaches in a series of drawings and paintings. These will be informed by the study and interpretation of your selected established national and international artists. You’ll extend your emerging style and use your favourite media as you work through the programme, culminating in the portfolio, which will be included in the annual Visual Art Folio Exhibition at the end of the year. Y13 Painting students are eligible for course endorsement.A mixture of internal and external assessment12 Painting or by negotiation with the HOD.13PA Art Pack $43, Media, Paper, Card $65, Folio panels $9, Double-sided tape $9A variety of personal materials, as appropriate to individual studentsNCEA Level 3Ms Labrum

Visual Art: Photography – Year 12, 12PH

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionSpecialist equipmentLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
Are you interested in recording the world around you and making digital art? You will learn how to work with different photographic genres; how to express symbolic meanings within photographs, how to depict personal narrative stories as well as working in a photo-documentary style. This course teaches you about creative and effective use of Adobe CC Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign as well as studio lighting and editing and creative effects. Suited to students who are total beginners as well as those who have some previous art experience. The externally assessed folio will be shown at the Visual Art Senior Folio Exhibition.A mixture of internal and external assessmentNo Pre-requisitesPhotocard & Wet strength $30, Folio panels $6, Double-sided tape $9A DSLR digital camera that is capable of full manual control. A3 art pad. Portable data storage device (4GB or more)Year 13 PhotographyNCEA Level 2Ms Labrum

Visual Art: Photography – Year 13, 13PH

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionSpecialist equipmentLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
Photographs are memorable and effective because they help people process, understand and retain information about the world. You’ll extend your skills and analytical ability in an exploration of formal abstraction, photographic conventions and multiple image-making techniques. Your work will be inspired by established artists, in order to develop your technical and artistic abilities. There is scope to apply very traditional, classically presented photographic imagery, as well as those which may be creatively enhanced and more constructed approaches. You will produce work from a range of photographic genres. The externally assessed folio will be shown at the Visual Art Senior Folio Exhibition. Y13 Photography students are eligible for course endorsement.A mixture of internal and external assessment. Students have a choice to select a fully internal programme.12 Photography or by negotiation with the Head of Department.Photocard & Wet strength $40, Folio panels $9, Double-sided tape $9A DSLR digital camera that is capable of full manual control. A3 art pad. Portable data storage device (4GB or more)UE is available from this course. It will lead to Tertiary study and/or creative industries.NCEA Level 3Ms Labrum

Dance – Year 11, 11DA

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionNoteLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
This course does not require any prior dance experience. The course is practical and collaborative with units that explore and investigate a variety of dance genres and styles. You will extend your creativity as you use the dance elements to explore movement possibilities and compose dance sequences. You will develop your performance skills and should expect to perform to a live audience at least once during the year.Context, Process and Performance are at the heart of all our work. You will received feedback about your work in these areas during rehearsal and after performance opportunities.Nil- an interest in the performing arts and willingness to have a go are key!$45 voluntary payment to contribute to guest tutors and workshops. Specialist equipment: Appropriate footwearIt is expected that you will have a change of clothes suitable for movement for class.Year 12 DanceMs Howes

Dance – Year 12, 12DA

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contactNote
This course will unleash the creative dancer inside you, whether you knew they existed or not! It is a practical and collaborative course with performance and choreography units. You will experience different dance styles and practitioners; strengthening technique and understanding ways to manipulate movement for effect. You will need to be self-disciplined and courageous to take risks in your own dance practice. You should expect to participate in at least one live performance for an invited audience throughout the year. All internal standards. Performance is the primary focus of assessments but will need to be supported by a theory component in written or oral form.Nil – an interest in the performing arts and willingness to have a go are key!$45 voluntary payment to contribute to guest tutors and workshops, as well as costumes for performances.Year 13 and Scholarship DanceNCEA Level 2Ms HowesIt is expected that you will have a change of clothes suitable for movement for class.

Dance – Year 13, 13DA

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contactNote
Dance helps you to understand yourself, others and the space you work in. It is a practical, collaborative and creative subject. At Level 3, you are encouraged to play to your strengths, take risks and challenge your understanding of what dance is. The coursework includes both performance and choreography units. It is the time to push your performance skills and find out what you are truly capable of. You can expect to showcase your work in at least one live performance during the year. All internal standards. Performance is the primary focus of assessments but will need to be supported by a theory component in written or oral form. External options may be discussedNone - an interest in the performing arts and willingness to have a go are key!$45 voluntary payment to contribute to guest tutors and workshops, as well as costumes for performances.Tertiary studyCredits from this course counts towards UE and NCEA Level 3.Ms HowesIt is expected that you will have a change of clothes suitable for movement for class.

Drama – Year 11, 11DR

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
This course looks at the foundations of drama; getting you to question the history and context of performance work in order to create your own drama pieces. You will explore a range of scripts, learn at least one major performance style, attend some live performance work and develop your own performance material. This will include at least one performance opportunity for a live audience. The course is practical and group-based so expect to be involved and learn to work reflectively and collaboratively. Drama is the context here but the skills you learn will set you up for a variety of life situations. Context, Process and Performance are at the heart of all our work. You will received feedback about your work in these areas during rehearsal and after performance opportunities.Nil- but good attendance supports success in this collaborative subject$40 optional payment for scripts and course materials such as costumes and props.Year 12 NCEA DramaMs Howes

Drama – Year 12, 12DR

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
In this course students take more control over decision making and their performance programme, consolidating learning from Years 9 -11 to develop their own performance practice.This includes experiencing different production roles, strengthening knowledge and skills of performance styles and creating their own performance pieces.The course is practical and group-based so expect to be involved and learn to work reflectively and collaboratively. Drama is the context here but the skills you learn will set you up for a variety of life situations. There is a written component to the course and this theory will support the development of your performance skills as well as prepare you for the external exam options.A mixture of internal and external assessment will be offered in this course. Most internals are group-based but students are marked individually. Performance is the primary focus of assessments but will need to be supported by a theory component in written or oral form. Most Drama standards also count towards UE literacy credits.Nil - but note due to the collaborative nature of assessment work, good attendance is integral to success. $40 optional payment for scripts and course materials such as costumes and props.Year 13 and Scholarship DramaNCEA Level 2, UE Literacy credits are on offer. Ms Howes

Drama – Year 13, 13DR

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
Unlocking your wairua auaha (creative spirit) is at the heart of this course and you will have the opportunity to explore the possibilities that come from trying things in different contexts. Colouring inside the lines will produce a nice, neat product but students in Level 3 Drama are encouraged to go further than that and see what can be created when they push the boundaries or alter the given parameters.The course will widen your knowledge of theatre practitioners, plays, playwrights and style. Through text based study and your own performance work you will explore social, historical, political, cultural and/or geographical issues. It is a practical and creative course which allows you to develop your own strengths by giving you a choice of assessment standards based on the shared contexts. There is both group and solo work involved in this course. You need to be well-organised and demonstrate a willingness to be available for out of class rehearsals and performances. This course requires a lot of self-management skills and working in this way will no doubt serve you well in all areas of life.A mixture of internal and external assessment will be offered in this course. Performance is the primary focus of internal assessments but will need to be supported by a theory component in written or oral form.Nil - but note due to the collaborative nature of assessment work, good attendance is integral to success. $40 optional payment for scripts and course materials such as costumes and props.Tertiary studyCredits from this course count towards UE and NCEA Level 3Ms Howes

Music – Year 11, 11MU

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionSpecialist equipmentNoteLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
In this course interest in all styles of music is welcomed, and practical tasks can be tailored to suit individual levels of experience. You will build on your prior skills and understanding through composing short pieces of music (including songs), use DAWs (Reaper) and notation software (Sibelius), working on collaborative and/or individual performances, continuing with theory, learning and practising aural skills (e.g. rhythmic and melodic patterns, intervals, chords), and studying and writing about a variety of pieces of music, by listening, researching and studying scores. Internally assessed, with an emphasis on feed forward and next steps.It is useful to have done Year 10 Music, but if you have been learning an instrument and/or taking part in musical activities just come and have a chat with Ms Sutherland to see if this course will work for you.$35.00 for your workbooks.You will need to have an instrument at home so you can practise regularly (the Music Department can sometimes help with this), and you will need basic head/earphones which are not bluetooth or USB. If you enrol in this course you must be having regular weekly lessons in an instrument or voice, and it is an advantage to have done so for two or more years. You will be strongly advised to join a school performing group (choir, orchestra, chamber music group, rock band or concert band). Membership fees for these groups will be published on the website.Year 12 MusicMs Sutherland

Music – Year 12, 12MU

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionSpecialist equipmentNoteLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
In this course In this course interest in all styles of music is welcomed. You will choose a programme of study which suits your skills and interests. All students do theory and score reading, and orchestrate a piano piece for a small group of instruments (1 external and 1 internal standard). You then select a course from NCEA Level 2 standards which involve the following things: compose two pieces of music, study and analyse two pieces of music, perform two pieces of music in front of an audience as a soloist and/or one piece in a group, learn and practise aural skills (e.g. rhythmic and melodic patterns, intervals, chords), or investigate an aspect of New Zealand music. You may also perform one piece on a second instrument. A mixture of internal and external assessment will be offered in this courseYear 11 Music; or by negotiation with the Head of Department, particularly if you already have a musical background.$35.00 for your workbookYou must have an instrument at home so you can practise regularlyIf you enrol in this course you must be having regular weekly lessons in an instrument or voice, and ideally should have done so for three years. You will be strongly advised to join a school performing group (choir, orchestra, chamber music group, rock band or concert band). Membership fees for these groups will be published on the website.Year 13 MusicNCEA Level 2Ms Sutherland

Music – Year 13, 13MU

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionSpecialist equipmentNoteLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
In this course interest in all styles of music is welcomed. You will choose a programme of study which suits your skills and interests. You must study Music Works (Analyse a substabtial piece of music of your choice) (4 internal credits), and Harmony (4 external credits), but other than that you will select a course from standards which involve the following things: composition, arranging, solo (including second instrument) and/or group performance, aural skills, music works (context), song writing and research.A mixture of internal and external assessment will be offered in this courseYear 12 Music; or by negotiation with the Head of Department, particularly if you already have a musical background.$35.00 for your workbookYou must have an instrument at home so you can practise regularlyIf you enrol in this course you should be having regular weekly lessons in an instrument or voice, and should have done so for four years. You will be strongly advised to join a school performing group (choir, orchestra, chamber music group, rock band or concert band). Membership fees for these groups will be published on the website.Tertiary study in all styles of music - Jazz, Classical, Contemporary Commercial, Musical Theatre.NCEA Level 3 and Scholarship MusicMs Sutherland