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University of Waikato Computer Science Scholarship Exam

Just a reminder regarding the University of Waikato Computer Science Scholarship Examination this year is being held on 30th October 2021.  The closing date for applications is 15th September 2021.
The link to the scholarships page is  This link provides the regulations and registration form for the 2022 scholarship.
You may also find this link helpful for your students as it has some past sample exams
Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Rachael Foote
School Administrator
Rorohiko me ngā Pūtaiao Pāngarau – School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Ph: +64 7 838 4021
University of Waikato  |  Private Bag 3105

Hamilton 3240  |  New Zealand

University of Waikato