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WGC Uniform Wanted for our November Second Hand Sale

If your daughter doesn’t need her uniform next year or has out-grown her current uniform, this is a great opportunity to pass it on to someone who can use it.  There will be huge demand for uniform, as this sale will be attended by 2020’s Year 9s.

You can either donate your uniform or get us to sell it on your behalf.  To do this, please complete this online form and drop your uniform into the Student Office.  Uniform needs to be dropped off to the office by Thursday 7 November to be included in the sale.  Don’t forget to attach your name and phone number to your bag of uniform, so we can match it to your online form. See here for our uniform sale tips.

Sales are  organised by the WGC Parents’ Association and funds raised are used for the benefit of students. If you have any uniform sale queries please email