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2025 Enrolment Information

2 May – 11 June : After School visits to In Zone contributing schools

Monday 20 May 2024: Online Zoom meets for whānau from 4pm – 5pm

Online whānau hui 20 May 2024 — Image by: Wellington Girls’ College

Tuesday 11 June 2024: Online Zoom meets for whānau from 12 noon – 1pm

Online whānau hui 11 June 2024 — Image by: Wellington Girls’ College

Tuesday 18 June: Online Zoom meets for whānau from 6:30 – 7:30pm

Online whānau hui Tuesday 18 June 2024 — Image by: Wellington Girls’ College

20 June 2024: Open Day – sessions for students and whānau at 9am, 9:45 and 11:45 am 

Booking essential. Please book here.

24 July: Enrolments for 2025 close

Please visit our website for all Enrolment information