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WGC Sport

Any sport enquiries should be addressed to Carolyn Kirkpatrick, Director of Sport,

Sport at WGC

Wellington Girls’ College is one of the leading sporting schools in the Wellington region. We encourage our students to participate in sport during their time at the college, taking the opportunity to continue with their sports or try new sports. We have over 25 sports ranging from Athletics to Waterpolo with opportunities both for the committed athlete to develop their potential, and for others to play in friend group social teams.

The success of sport at Wellington Girls’ College relies on volunteers working hard on behalf of the students. If you can help us, please indicate this on your student’s registration form or contact the Sports Department.

The Sports Department is located in the gym foyer and is open during school hours for queries or alternatively contact:

Get the free College Sport App

WGC Sports Highlights 2023

WGC has a policy of equal playing time over the season – except for the top team in each sporting code – and coaches are informed of this at the time of signing up to coach. Please contact the WGC Sports Office if you have any concerns. We will do our best to accommodate everyone in their chosen activity but occasionally we cannot place a student in a team. A refund will be made should this occur.

Wellington East Summer Exchange 2024
Date Thursday 4 April, at Wellington East Girls’ College
– Volleyball Senior A, Waterpolo Senior A, Futsal Senior A
(Athletics Relay will take place on Friday 16th February – WGC Athletics Day)

Palmerston North Girls’ High Exchange 2024
Friday 7th June – WGC Hosting at Akau Tangi/ASB Sports Centre
– Football 1st X1, Hockey 1st X1, Netball Senior A&B and Junior A, Basketball Senior A

Wellington East Winter Exchange 2024
Wednesday 11th September, at Wellington East Girls’ College
– Basketball Senior A, Netball Senior A, Football 1st XI, Hockey 1st XI, Badminton Senior A, Underwater Hockey Senior A, Rugby (TBC)

National Tournament Guidelines

Wellington Girls College (WGC) recognises the value of national secondary school sports tournaments/events and supports its top senior teams to attend these events.

WGC supports Sport NZ’s statement that ‘Balance is Better’ (creating quality experiences for all young people to keep them active and in the game) and the initiative ‘Good Sports’ (a culture change initiative aiming to create positive sporting experiences for young people by educating and supporting the key adult influencers in youth sport – in particular, parents).

WGC Sports Department has set the following guidelines for entry into national tournaments. These guidelines are endorsed by the Board of Trustees and will help set expectations for students, coaches, managers and parents (‘Good Sports’).

Our Teams
WGC will consider, and in most circumstances support, entry into national tournaments/events sanctioned by NZ School Sport for:

  • WGC Senior A teams in each sports code
  • Qualified individuals (i.e. those students that meet the national or regional standards for qualification to national events)
  • WGC Junior A teams in each sports code if the national tournament is held in the Wellington Region (i.e. no overnight stays required)

The rationale for these guidelines is outlined below.

  • Selection in the Senior A team for a sports code is an aspirational goal for students, and national tournament attendance is reserved for these top teams. Participation in national tournaments outside of the Wellington region is something that we want our junior students to be able to aspire to do as senior students in their chosen codes.
  • Junior students are eligible to trial for Senior A teams so top performing junior students will have the opportunity to attend national tournaments at a younger age (if selected).
  • Some junior teams may be selected by the relevant sports codes to compete in national tournaments outside of the Wellington region, however, variability across sports codes means access to junior national tournaments is inequitable and WGC is not able to support their participation in these events at the junior level.
  • The significant cost to attend tournaments outside of the Wellington region.
  • Capacity of the WGC Sports Department, and the logistical and organisational challenges for the Sports Department when asked to consider late/exceptional entries.
  • The Sports Department is responsible for organising attendance at tournaments due to health and safety requirements.
  • Time out of class for students.

Our Squads – Athletics, Cross country, Rowing and Swimming
As these codes do not have regular College Sport Wellington competitions, teams/individuals will work with the WGC Sports Department to ensure WGC is represented at national events. Participation will be code specific and communicated to parents, coaches, managers and students at the start of each season by the Sports department so that everyone understands the process. Greater parental organisation is usually required in these sports because of the nature of these events and the timings around qualifying events.

  • Most top teams will be issued uniforms which are to be returned at the end of the season.
  • Uniform requirements will be kept to a minimum but in all cases the uniform is non-negotiable.
  • Our various sports uniforms are registered for sporting codes and must be adhered to.
  • The WGC standard PE uniform for juniors is black WGC shorts (NOT bike pants) or the official WGC leggings, the black and gold WGC polo shirt, white socks and sports shoes.
  • Most playing uniforms will be the official WGC PE uniform, so seniors will need to keep the WGC PE uniform when moving up from the junior school. Some sports codes wear a black skirt instead of the shorts, such as hockey and netball. Shorts cannot be worn when a skirt is the official uniform.

All items are available from NZ Uniforms, 168 Thorndon Quay.

See our School Uniform page for further information

If you buy sports shoes from Shoe Clinic, $10 per pair goes back to WGC. The money will be donated to a senior girl(s) who has given her time and energy to the sports programme and it will enable her to buy sports shoes.

Sport Guidelines

Sport can be a positive vehicle for social interaction. Active participation in a quality   programme leads to a healthy active lifestyle, encourages the strive for excellence and endorses the values of positive competition, fair play and teamwork.  Through sport and physical activity we can build healthy, confident people who have pride in self, the school and the local community.  All students are encouraged to participate and thereby enhance their physical, social, intellectual and personal development.


Players and Coaches of all codes must signify their willingness to support the principles of  Fair Play. The normal standards of behavior and observance of school rules are also expected at all times from students representing the school. 

This College abides by the rules of fair play. 

  1. Enjoy yourself
  2. Play within the rules
  3. Respect the referees and umpires
  4. Respect the opposition and their supporters
  5. Be gracious winners and dignified losers
  6. Play hard but fair


WGC students will have equal playing time over the season, except for the top teams of each code. All coaches will respect this directive. Please contact the Sports Director if you have any concerns.

The Sports Department will do its best to accommodate everyone in their chosen activity but occasionally a student cannot be placed in a team. A refund will be made should this occur.



All students will register and pay their sports fees prior to placement in a team. If payment is not made, the student may be withdrawn from the team by the Sports Department.

Fundraising for sports tournaments is encouraged.  All such activities must have the prior approval of the Principal and Director of Sport.

 A one off $35.00 administration fee is charged per year, regardless of the amount of sports played. The cost of running sport at WGC is  high and the school last year subsidised sport to the tune of more than $120K over and above what parents paid for registration for each sport.  It still means that sport isn’t cost neutral for the school, but there is some contribution from parents towards the true costs of running the sports programme.



We have over 20 different sports available and students can choose to play in teams that have been trialled and selected, or they may put teams together with friend groups. These social competitive teams play in the same competition as the trialled teams. They will liaise with the Sports Department as to what level they compete.



         No student may leave class early to travel to midweek sports fixtures unless approved by the Sports Office. Managers need to liaise with the Sports Office if an early release is needed. Teachers will be informed by the Sports Office only. 3pm is usually the earliest students can leave class.



  • Students play organised sports for fun. They are not playing for the entertainment of spectators only, nor are they miniature professionals.
  • Applaud good performance and efforts by your team and the opposition.
  • Congratulate both teams upon their performance regardless of the game’s outcome.
  • Respect the umpire’s decision.  If there is a disagreement, follow the appropriate procedure in order to question the decision and teach the players to do likewise.
  • Never ridicule or criticise a player for making a mistake during a game. Positive comments are motivational.
  • Condemn the use of violence in any form, be it by spectators, coaches, officials or players.
  • Show respect for your opponents.  Without them there would be no game.
  • Encourage players to play according to the rules and the officials’ decisions.
  • Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour by not using foul language, harassing players, coaches and umpires.


All Fundraising applications must be made through the Principal, who will complete paperwork and pass onto the Board of Trustees for approval prior to posting.  NO applications can be made on behalf of the school without this process taking place.

Any external fundraising a WGC team undertakes i.e. gala, sausage sizzle, and car parking at school when rugby games are on must be cleared with the Principal.



Equipment provided to teams will be of a good standard, repaired and replaced as necessary. Sports equipment must be returned to the Sports Office at the end of the season. 

School  facilities will be well maintained and be safe venues for sports training and competition.

All uniforms issued must be returned to the Sports Office at the end of the season, in good order and clean. If uniforms are not returned, students will be charged for that item of clothing.




  •  Tournaments are fully self funded by the team
  • All tournament costs such as entry fee, transport, accommodation and food are paid by those students participating.
  • The accommodation and transport of accompanying adults – coach,manager and parent help are also covered by the team. 



Many and varied awards will be presented at the annual WGC Sports Awards. The awards are held at WGC in October.

Invitees: All top teams for each sports code, Senior B Netball, Social Team of the Year, WGC Swimming Champs and WGC Athletics Champs. Invitations will be issued closer to the time. 

The following major sports awards are self nominated and the document is released early September. They are Sportsperson of the Year, Contribution to School Sport, Social Team of the Year, New Zealand Reps and Outstanding Effort in Other Codes not offered at WGC.

As well, we will be awarding Sports Honours for girls who have played in top teams for at least 3 years. Honours also must be applied for via the form.



Sportsperson of the Year

Can be awarded to any year level student and to any sports code. It is awarded for achievement; International, National, Regional and School. Where achievements are similar, other issues to be considered include the size of the code, age level competing (e.g. U17s outweighs U15s), school content i.e. competes for WGC if possible, and commitment to the sport within the school. 

Contribution to School Sport

Awarded to a senior student, usually Year 13. It is awarded for Contribution in, coaching / official, full involvement, all round ability, leadership, WGC “sports presence” and fairplay. 

Social Team of the Year

Awarded to any year group / sport. Winners get an invitation to the Sports Awards. They must show; good team spirit, total commitment to games, successful, fair play at all times, and longevity together as a team.

Team of the Year

This is awarded by the Sports Department and College Sport Wellington.  It is awarded to the highest performing WGC school team. It is awarded to a selected school team, i.e. not a social team, that plays an official weekly competition run by official school sport providers. Where achievements are similar, other issues to be considered include the size of the code, year groups and the levels of competition both locally and nationally.

Sports Honours

To qualify for Honours, students must be currently enrolled at Wellington Girls’ College,   must have represented WGC in their sport in the year of the award and must have paid their sports fees. Students must accumulate a total of 8 points from the following criteria:

5 points –  3 years in the first school team for that sporting code 


1 point – Is an excellent / exceptional player  

1 point – Displays dedication to the sport in both competition and training 

1 point – Displays a positive attitude and demonstrates “fair play”

1 point – Supportive of the coach, manager and team

Sports Honours are awarded at the discretion of the Sports Department and relevant team management. 

Coaching Honours

To Qualify for Coaching Honours students;

  • must have coached teams at WGC for 3 years
  • must have been a proficient and reliable coach
  • must have worked well with the teams and Sports Office.

Coaching Honours are awarded at the discretion of the Sports Department and relevant team management. 

Outstanding Effort in Other Codes

This can be awarded to any year level student and to any sports code that is not offered at Wellington Girls’ College. Where achievements are similar, other issues to be considered include the size of the code, age level competing (e.g. U17s outweighs U15s). 

NZ Representative Criteria

Students have to have represented NZ in School, Age Group or Open Individual Championships or been a team member in the period November to October of the current year (excludes Tournament teams and NZ squads). 

Coach of the Year Criteria

Awarded to any student for commitment to coaching in any sports code. It is awarded for; Commitment to attendance in training and games, Team Achievements, Development of Players, and Acting as a positive role model to players.



During the course of the year there are a number of occasions where the school recognises and applauds the sporting achievements of its students. The Sports and PE departments generally hear of such successes but there are some girls who reach representative status outside of the school’s domain, particularly in minor codes, which we don’t know about. We need you to tell us about achievements.

If you know of a WGC student who has been chosen in a regional or national squad or team, who has broken a record or achieved similar sporting success in any sports code, please let us know. We want to acknowledge our students’ successes.

Email or phone 04 472 5743 Ext 711

As Sports Parents, we are all doing our best to support our children in their sporting lives. Trying to find expert information on the best way to support them can be a challenging experience, so it is fantastic that Sport NZ have put together the Balance is Better website with lots of information for parents, coaches and sports administrators.

With this E-Guide, Nuku Ora has picked a number of resources from the website as well as resources from other websites which we feel will best support you on your sports parenting journey. The resources have been organised and split into sections so you are able to utilise the most relevant section to you as a parent at a particular time.

For more resources, visit and don’t forget to sign up for their newsletter to receive updates and resources straight to your inbox

Developed by health professionals working in the sport sector, this resource provides information and practical tips on topics such as changes throughout female puberty, the menstrual cycle, and factors that impact young people’s physical and mental wellbeing.

While many people who menstruate identify as a girl, woman or female, not everyone does.
Some people who menstruate are trans men, non-binary or intersex.

We have endeavored to use non-gendered terms throughout the resource. However, some sections are specific to female physiology or research.

We recognise that young people in Aotearoa New Zealand are not all the same, and some groups of young people may require different considerations, culturally, physically
and emotionally.

Sport NZ acknowledges the pioneering work of Netball New Zealand and NetballSmart with funding from ACC, in the development of the NetballSmart SmartHealth resource.
Sport NZ has worked in collaboration with all parties in producing this handbook.


Our Sports


WGC School Athletics Day, Newtown Park, Thursday 27 February 2025

This compulsory day is a combination of competitive athletic events and fun Inter-House activities.

The school Athletics representative team for the CSW Regional Championships, will be selected from the times and distances (not placings) from the WGC Athletics’ Day results.

CSW Athletic Regionals - TBA Newtown Park

The Wellington Secondary Schools Team will then be selected by Athletics Wellington to compete in the North Island Championships, TBA

NZSSAA Track and Field and Road Race Championships TBA
Personal programmeBlack shorts – plain

WGC athletics singlets, available from the Sports Office. These can be borrowed for one-off events.
All hoodies/tracksuit pants must be WGC gear/plain black.
DescriptionGive-it-a-Go SessionsTrainingTrialsCompetitionVenuesUniformEquipmentCostRegistration
Badminton is played at both a competitive and Social Competitive level, for inter-school competition for all age groups. Teams are made up of at least 5 students and 4 must attend every match. Students may select their own teams.

WGC Badminton Convenor
Jayesh Morar
If you’re new to badminton and want to learn how to play and score before the season, we will run a training session in Gym 1 at lunchtime – Date TBA Everyone is welcome.1 lunchtime per week for Senior A and Junior A teams.

Students MUST bring their own rackets.

Social teams will be allocated a combined lunchtime spot when they can train in the gym if they choose to.
Junior Trials – TBA

Senior Trials – TBA (Senior A trials are open to all year levels)
May – August
Junior (Year 9 & 10 only) Thursday afternoons 4 – 6 pm starting date TBA
Senior (Year 11, 12 & 13) Friday afternoons 4 – 6pm starting date TBA

The Senior A team will compete in the East Sports Exchange, at WGC. Date TBA

CSW Junior Champs – TBA
CSW Open Singles Champs – TBA
Various Secondary Schools in Wellington and Badminton Hall, Hataitai.Senior A – black skirt / shorts, WGC top provided
All other teams – WGC PE uniform, white socks and sports shoes. Senior social teams must also wear the WGC PE Uniform.
You must have your own badminton racquet to play in a team.
WGC provides shuttlecocks and scoresheets.
WGC Bank Account Number 03 0518-0027013-002
Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith Badmin
Registration forms must be submitted online, and payments made by Friday 22 March 2024.
DescriptionCompetitionPlaying DaysTrialsSocial Competitive TeamsCostTrainingsUniformRegistration
Trials will be held for the Senior and Junior teams. Not all students can be guaranteed a position in a team.

Students Year 10 and above are welcome to enter their own Social Competitive team (see below for details). Juniors are welcome to trial for the Senior A team.
Games are played in school gyms in the greater Wellington area during Terms 2 and 3. The Senior A plays regularly at the Ākau Tangi in Kilbirnie.

Senior A competes in:
Palmerston North Girls High School Exchange - Friday 7th June
WEGC Winter Exchange – Wed 11 September at East

Zones Tournament 4-7 Sept Palmerston North

3 x 3 Senior Tournament - 27 March, Ākau Tangi
3 x 3 Junior Tournament - 5 November, Walter Nash

Juniors (Year 9 & 10) play Tuesdays 4pm – 7pm (Starting Date 7 May, 2024)

Seniors (Year 11-13) play Fridays 6pm – 9pm (Starting Date 10 May, 2024)
Open Pre season Run - all welcome
Sunday 25 February Gym 1, 10- Noon
Sunday 3 March Gym 1, 10- Noon


Juniors (Year 9 &10) Sunday 10 March 8.30am - 10.30am
Seniors (Year 11-13) Sunday 10 March 10.30am - Noon

Juniors (Year 9 &10) Sunday 17 March 8.30am -
Seniors (Year 11-13) Sunday 17 March 10.30am - Noon

Final Senior Trial (Invitees only) Tuesday 19 March, Gym 1, Time TBC

(Juniors are welcome to trial for the Senior A team)
If students want to make up a social competitive team, each player has to complete an online registration by Friday 22 March. One team registration form (available online) must also be submitted by Friday 22 March.
Each social competitive team must have at least 1 parent willing to manage the team and one referee, who both MUST attend weekly games, home and away.
The score bench will be run by WGC senior students for home games.
$150.00 (includes the weekly referee fees and scorebench costs)

WGC Bank Account Number 03 0518-0027013-002
Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith Bball

To be held in the WGC GymsSenior A & B teams: singlet and shorts supplied, white socks, sports shoes.
All other teams: Black WGC PE shorts, white socks and sports shoes. Playing tops are provided for all teams.
Registration Forms for those trialling for teams, must be submitted online and payment made by Friday, 1 March.
Cricket - Term 1TrainingCompetitionUniformCostRegistration
Tuesdays 3.30pm – 5.30pm Venue WGC Turf

First meeting / training : TBA

Cricket Term 4 dates 24 October - 28 November

Venus Cup Qualifier, Wellington
WGC PE top and black pants (Please provide your own playing pants), WGC Cap - to be purchased from the Sports Office.

Registration Forms must be submitted online and there is no cost for Term 4 cricket if you played and paid in Term 1.
$60 for Term 1 (no cost Term 4)
WGC Bank Account Number 03 0518-0027013-002

Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith Crick
Registration Forms do not need to be completed if you played in Term 1.
Middle distance athletes are encouraged to participate in Cross Country and Road Racing (Terms 3 & 4). WGC teams compete strongly in local and national competitions. Race distances are usually 2 – 4km.Optional – The Runners Club operates on Mondays at lunchtime. A teacher or senior students will take the girls to either the Botanical Gardens or the Waterfront.
The Runners Club is open to all year groups. The run will be approximately 25 minutes and the girls will run in small groups depending on their ability.

Please complete the Runners Club registration form to participate in these runs.
TBA– CSW Cross Country Relays, Wakefield Park
TBA – CSW Cross Country Champs, Harcourt Park, Upper Hutt
14 - 15 June– National Cross Country Champs, Whangarei

(Note: WGC organise a team trip to the Nationanal Secondary Schools Cross Country Champs. If you are interested in finding out some more information, please check the relevant tick box when you register online for cross county.)
Plain black shorts, WGC athletic singlet (supplied), white socks, sports shoes..$40 (Covers entry fees only) Transport by Shuttles will be an additional cost.
WGC Bank Account Number 03 0518-0027013-002
Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith CrossC
Registration Forms must be submitted online and payment made.
The 2025 Dragonboating team will be trialled in Term 4, 2024 and final selections are made late January 2025.

The crew will take part in two events:
Harbour Fun Day – Date TBA
Dragonboat School’s Festival – Date TBA
All 4-5pm or 5-6pm at the Lagoon - depending on which squad you are in.

Date of Trainings TBA

WGC singlet (supplied).

Plain black shorts. Knee pads recommended.
Thermal – BLACK only.
$170.00 (This cost includes Wellington dragonboat hireage for training and competition, tent hireage, competition entries for the Harbour Fun Day and the Festival Day)

WGC Bank Account Number
03 0518-0027013-002
Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith Dboat
Once selected in the team, you must submit a registration form online and pay.
Floorball (like indoor hockey) is open to all year groups.

Term 1
Students can make up their own Social Competitive team with friends, or students can register individually and will be assigned to a team where possible. There will also be an opportunity to trial in Term 1 for Senior or Junior premier teams that play in the more competitive league.

Term 4
ALL teams will be social teams (friend group) so only register and pay if you have a team organised. This is a separate competition from Term 1 so all teams need to re register and pay the term fee even if you have played in Term 1.

It is played in Term 1 & 4 at the Ākau Tangi Sports Centre in Kilbirnie.
WGC PE shorts and top, white socks and trainersFloorball (like indoor hockey) is open to all year groups.

Students can make up their own Social Competitive team with friends, or students register individually and will be assigned to a team where possible.

There will also be an opportunity to trial in Term 1 for Senior or Junior premier teams that play in the more competitive league.

It is played in Term 1 & 4 at the Ākau Tangi Sports Centre in Kilbirnie, starting Thursday 15 February for Term 1.

Term 4 dates are still to be advised.

Floorball Nationals for Senior A TBA

There will be one Senior A team.

You may enter a social team. Registration forms - individual and team - can be found on the home page.
$70.00 for Term 4

WGC Bank Account Number 03 0518-0027013-002
Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith Floorb
Registration forms must be submitted online, and payment made, 13 September. All players must complete a registration whether playing in a social team or a trialled team.

One team form must also be submitted online by the Captain if you are making up your own social team.
DescriptionPlaying Days1st XI and 2nd X13rd X1 & junior AJunior B&C (Yr9 & 10 only)Social Competitive TeamsTrialsCostRegistration
The 1st and 2nd X1 teams are open to all Senior (Yr 11-13) and Junior players (Yr 9&10).

The 3rd X1 will be Seniors only. The Junior A, B and C teams will be Year 9 & 10 only.

Students, Year 10 and above, may make up a Social Competitive team of at least 15 players, but at the time of entering their team, they must also nominate a competent adult coach / manager to referee their games each week. All players must complete an individual online registration form as well as submit one team form online. Training is optional for these teams.
1st, 2nd, 3rd X1 and Junior A and B – Wednesdays 4pm onwards, starting date Wednesday, TBA

Junior C – Tuesdays 4pm, starting date Tuesday TBA
Trainings for 1st & 2nds
Mondays 3.45pm – 5.30pm Venue TBA

1st X1 Commitments

PNGHS Exchange, Date TBA
East Exchange, Wed 11 September, 2024 at East
National Tournament in Nelson – Winter Tournament Week, 1-6 September 2024

1st X1 -Tops & Shorts supplied. Two pairs of socks need to be purchased from the NZ Uniforms shop; WGC plain black socks and plain gold alternate socks.
2nd X1 – Tops provided, shorts plain black and plain black socks
WGC Turf, day TBA with coach

WGC PE uniform, tops and shorts (no exception). WGC black & gold playing socks are compulsory and can be purchased from the NZ Uniforms shop.
To be discussed with the Sports Office as to which grade to be placed in.
Division 3 plays Tuesdays at 4pm at local grounds (social grade)
Division 2 plays Wednesdays at 4pm at local grounds (stronger competition)

Social Competitive teams will be provided with a top but the shorts and socks should be standard WGC uniform. All players must individually register online, and one team list must also be registered online by the nominated team captain.
Trial #1 Wednesday 13 March, 7.15-8.45am - Anderson Park, Kelburn

All Juniors (except those Year 9s in 2023, who played in the 1st or 2nd X1 teams) – skills session and small sided games. Some juniors will be invited to the senior trials by the coaches following this trial. All others should attend the following final trial.

Junior Trial #2 Sunday 24 March – Alex Moore Park Artifical, Johnsonville, 5pm – 6.30pm

Sunday 17 March – Alex Moore Park, Artificial, Johnsonville, 5pm - 8pm
Sunday 24 March – Alex Moore Park, Arificial, Johnsonville, 6.30pm – 8pm
These two trials are for INVITED Juniors and ALL Seniors who want to trial for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd X1s (if numbers permit).

Remaining juniors will be selected in the junior teams.

$100.00 for all players
WGC Bank Account Number 03 0518-0027013-002
Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith Fball
Registration Forms must be submitted online and payment made by Friday, 8 March 2024.
DescriptionSocial Competitive TeamsCompetitionUniformCostRegistration
This sport is open to all year groups. It is played in Terms 1 and 4.

There will be trials for the Junior A team and the Senior A team in Term 1 only.

Junior A trial Monday 12 Feb, 3.30pm Gym 1
Senior A trial Monday 12 Feb, 4.30pm Gym 1

All other teams in Term 1 will be Social Competitive teams i.e. self selected teams. Team captains must submit one team form per team via the social team link on the sports website by Friday 9 February.

ALL teams will be social teams (friend group) so only register and pay if you have a team organised. This is a separate competition from Term 1 so all teams need to re register and pay the term fee even if you have played in Term 1.
Each player needs to submit an individual online form and the team captain needs to complete ONE team form.

The team will not be entered into the competition until all members have registered and paid by Friday, 13 September, 2024 for the Term 4 competition.
Ākau Tangi, Kilbirnie

Seniors: Mondays 4pm – 9pm,
Start Date - Mondays 21 Oct - 2 Dec (no game Monday 28 Oct - Labour Day)

Juniors: Fridays 4pm – 9pm, Start Date Fridays 25 Oct - 29 Nov.

Senior A
East Exchange, Term 1

CSW Futsal Senior Champs, Thursday 14 March, Ākau Tangi

NZSS Nationals – Summer Tournament Week - 18-20 March, Ākau Tangi

Junior A
NZSS Junior Cup – Summer Tournament Week - 18-20 March, Ākau Tangi

CSW Futsal Junior Champs Tuesday 12 November, Ākau Tangi

All teams WGC PE gear, WGC football socks (available from NZ Uniforms) or plain black football socks and appropriate footwear.

Shin guards are compulsory.
$90.00 (per term)

WGC Bank Account Number 03 0518-0027013-002
Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith Futsal
Registration Forms must be completed online and payment made, by Friday, 13 September.

Description1st XI CommitmentsTrialsTrainingCompetition Dates (TBC)UniformCostRegistration
The school will have 5/6 selected teams. Teams train and play on turf during Terms 2 & 3 around the Wellington region.Preseason ANZAC Tournament - Christchurch, 16 - 19 April, 2024

PNGHS Exchange, Date Friday 7 June in Wlg

East Exchange, Wed 11 September at East

Federation Cup National Tournament in Hamilton – Winter Tournament Week, 1-7 September 2024

Coaching costs for the 1st X1 may also apply.
Sunday 3 March, 4-6pm NHS (Open to anyone who would like to trial for the 1st X1 team, and to any year group)
Sunday 10 March 4-6pm NHS (players will be invited to this trial)
Note – This team plays at a very high standard.

2ND – 4TH XI (NHS)
Sunday 17 March 4-6pm
Sunday 24 March 4-6pm
For new players to the school for 2024 and returning players from 2023’s 2nds, 3rds, 4th XIs.

1st XI, 2nd XI and 3rd XI train at NHS – Days /Times TBC

All other teams train on the WGC turf.

Training times will be confirmed once teams are selected and coaches appointed.
Premier 1, 2 & 3 – Fridays
Juniors - Wednesdays
Start date – TBA
End date –TBA
1st XI: Dresses provided, WGC black & gold socks, and also gold socks for 1st XI. 2nd & 3rd X1 Dresses, Black and Gold socks

Junior teams: Gold playing top provided, black skirt to be purchased.

All teams: WGC hockey socks (black with gold top) can be purchased from NZ Uniforms Own hockey stick, shin guards, mouth guard (both compulsory), turf / sport shoes.

Goalies are required to play with protective gear at all times. Goalie gear can be supplied by the school if required
$250.00 (for all teams, except the 1st X1 which has two tournaments and possible coaching costs)
WGC Bank Account Number 03 0518-0027013-002
Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith Hock
Registration forms must be submitted online, and payment made, by Friday 23 February, 2024.
WGC will field a Junior Ki O Rahi team in Term 4. WGC singlet (provided) and black shortsKi O Rahi Tournament, Porirua college, 7th November 2024TBAEntry fee and transport costsPlease sign up for expression of interest information.
The competition is run by Lacrosse Wellington. It is played in Terms 2 & 3.
Lacrosse Wellington also offers stick hire.
WGC Turf – Fridays 3.30pm - 5pmSunday mornings – Boyd Wilson Park, Victoria University campus, Dates TBCDresses – provided for the Senior A
Other teams – WGC PE uniform
WGC Bank Account Number 03 0518-0027013-002
Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith Lacros

Registration Forms must be submitted online, and payment made by Friday, 8 March 2024.
Game Day App Instructions

WGC Netball Teams 2024



CompetitionUniformSelection ProcessTrialsSocial Competitive TeamsCoachingUmpiringCostRegistration
Teams play either at the indoor venue at Kilbirnie’s Ākau Tangi Sports Centre or outdoors at the Hataitai netball courts on Saturdays.

The time of day and venue depends on the grade in which the team is placed. School teams play in Collegiate grades against other school teams except our top 4 teams, which play in the Women’s Premier Competition.

Premier teams playing at Ākau Tangi season dates are Saturday 27 April to Saturday 31 August. College teams playing at Ākau Tangi and Hataitai Courts season dates are Saturday 4 May to 24 August.

No games Kings Birthday weekend - 1 June – all teams

No games Matariki Weekend – 29 June – all teams

No games Holidays - 13 July – all teams

No games - 20 July - Collegiate teams (Prem teams still playing)

Final games - Collegiate Grades 24 August, Prem grades 31 August

Senior A
16 May– CSW Senior A Premier Tournament, Ākau Tangi Kilbirnie
24 June – RSSL Starts for the Senior A (26 August – CSW RSSL Finals, Ākau Tangi Kilbirnie)
11 September - Winter Sports Exchange at East
1 - 5 September, LNISS Netball Tournament, Napier

Junior A
8 August – CSW Junior A Tournament, Ākau Tangi Kilbirnie

Senior A, Senior B dresses are supplied. Senior C, 11A and Junior A, tops supplied and the player’s own black skirt.

All other teams black skirts and black and gold WGC PE sports shirt, white socks and supportive shoes.

Bibs, balls and gear bags are supplied to all teams and must be returned at the end of the season.
The first selection process for Year 9s and 10s starts with a Drills and Skills session in Trial #1. A number of simple netball drills will be run covering Body Balance, Catching and Passing, Driving, Change of Direction and Decision Making. This session then gives a platform for the second trial which will be game based.

On the registration form, girls have been asked for their favourite 2 positions and a 3rd position is optional. In trial #2, students are put into trial teams in their first position where possible. The same 14 girls are kept on the court for about 30 minutes. With about 10 minutes to go, selectors stop the game and ask if girls would like to trial at another position. Two courts run at the same time and a moderator moves between courts to ensure the selectors are marking at the same level.
There is plenty of movement between grades from year to year, as girls often grow, become more coordinated and “find their feet” from season to season.

The netball convenors then put provisional teams together according to the grading. The Junior trials (Year 9 and 10) are completed with a mini tournament at WGC where girls are looked at again. Movement still occurs at this stage as we tweak teams.

We use a number of very experienced selectors. If they are parents, they will not be grading their daughters in any regard. Girls get seen by a variety of selectors over the course of the trial process
Trials will be held for the following Senior teams only:
Senior A (Open to all year levels. Note - this team plays at a very high level)
Senior B (Open to Year 11, 12 & 13s)
Senior C (Open to Year 12 & 13s)

Trial #1 Thursday 22 February, 3.45pm – 5.30pm - Brook Court
Trial #2 Saturday 24 February, 9am – Noon - Gym 1

Please attend both trials.

Tuesday 27 February, Final trial (Invitees only) 3.30pm – 5pm Brook Court

Years 12 & 13
Any seniors (Year 12 & 13) who are not selected for one of the 3 teams above, have the option to enter their own Social Competitive team (see information below).

Year 11
Any Year 11 is eligible to trial for the Senior A & B teams if they feel they can play at this level. Students who are not selected in either the Senior A or the B team, will need to attend the Year 11 trials as listed below

Trial #1 Monday, 11 March 3.30pm – 5.30pm Brook Court / Turf
Trial #2 Wednesday, 13 March 3.30pm – 5.30pm Brook Court / Turf

Please meet on Brook wet or fine. Please attend both trials.

Year 10
Any Year 10 is eligible to trial for the Senior A team if they feel they can play at this high level. Students who are not selected in the Senior A, will need to attend the Year 10 trials as listed below.

Trial #1 Saturday 2 March, meet in Gym 1, 1pm – 4pm
This first trial will be a Skills and Drills session (Students will be asked to attend 1pm – 2.30pm or 2.30pm - 4pm). Students will be split alphabetically.

Trial #2 Saturday 16 March, meet in Gym 1, 1pm – 4pm

Please attend both trials and the WGC Junior Grading Tournament 8.30am – 12.30pm Saturday 23 March

Year 9
Any Year 9 is eligible to trial for the Senior A team if they feel they can play at this very high level. Students who are not selected in the Senior A, will need to attend the Year 9 trials as listed below.

Trial #1 Saturday 2 March, meet in Gym 1
This first trial will be a Skills and Drills session (Students will be asked to attend 9am – 10.30am or 10.30am – Noon) Students will be split alphabetically.

Trial #2 Saturday 16 March, meet in Gym 1, 9am – Noon

Please attend both trials and the WGC Junior Grading Tournament, 8.30am – 12.30pm Saturday 23 March

Junior A Trial (Year 9 & 10) Monday 18 March, 3.30pm – 5pm (Brook Court) Players to attend this trial will be invited.

JUNIOR GRADING TOURNAMENT – Saturday 23 March 8.30am – 12.30pm
ALL Year 9 and 10 netball players are expected to attend this mini tournament. Girls will have already been placed in a provisional team. Teams play 3 games each and all games will be watched by selectors and there will be tweaks to the teams where necessary.

Social Competitive Netball is for Year 10 to 13 students only. All Year 9s must trial and they will then be placed in a team. Year 10 to 13 students can make up their own team of 10 players (no less) in consultation with the Sports Office. Each team must have a parent manager who will attend all games.
We encourage Year 12 and 13 players to form Social Competitive teams with friends as it is difficult to get coaches at this level.

Social Competitive teams play in the same competition and grades as other teams so it is not a “social” team as such.

It is the responsibility of these teams to find their own coach if they want one. One team form per team needs to be completed by the Captain but each player still needs to complete their own registration form and pay the fee. (Via the Tab - "Registration Forms" on the Sports website). Teams will not be entered until all players have registered and paid.
We are always in need of coaches and managers. Please indicate your interest on your daughter’s registration form. Coaching support is provided before and during the season. Netball Wellington runs excellent coaching courses. See details on their website and register early.

Senior students who wish to coach should register their interest by completing the Coaching section on the Sports Registration form. There will be a few sessions held at school for senior students wanting to coach. Student coaches will be expected to help at the Junior tournament on Saturday 23 March.
Umpiring is compulsory for our top 4 teams, if requested by Netball Wellington. If you are a parent who is considering doing some umpiring, please see Netball Wellington’s website for information on their umpiring courses.

If you are a student umpire and would like to be on our roster, please let the Sports Office know, if you haven’t done so already.

Kiwi Whistlers Umpiring Course
We will be offering a 4 week course for those who want to get into umpiring. After the theory side of things
WGC Bank Account Number 03 0518-0027013-002
Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith Nball
Registration Forms for seniors must be completed online and payment made by Friday 16 February 2024. Junior registration closes 27th February.
Rowing is a time consuming and intense sport that requires a high level of commitment from both rowers and families for the entire season (September to April). Rowers are expected to attend all trainings (regardless of the weather), camps in September/October, Labour Weekend and January holidays, as well as regattas held during weekends for the majority of the season.

For most of our athletes (in particular seniors), rowing is the only sport undertaken during the summer sports season based on the time and energy required.
Approximately 15 new rowers (Novices year 9 and Under 18 only) begin in September of each year. Please register for the Novice trials via the WGC sports website.

A committee of WGC rowing parents helps to organise transport, accommodation and food for training camps and regattas.

Parent involvement is high to transport rowers to trainings (often in the morning) and regattas, and all parents are expected to assist at, at least one camp or away regatta per season.
For Novices, summer training usually involves 4 – 5 sessions a week. These sessions are usually 2 hours long and involve rowing on the harbour or doing fitness training in the Boat Club or at school. They are generally held from 4 pm – 6pm weekdays and at various times during the weekend (based on water conditions).

If you row as a senior, training is generally 5 – 6 days a week. In the lead up to major competitions such as Nationals (Maadi Cup), students can be training up to 2 times a day every day, before and after school.

There is a 5 day training camp held every year during the summer holidays.
During the first half of the season, the rowing competitions are club events with rowers competing for Star Boating Club. Regattas are generally held on Wellington Harbour, the Manawatu River, the Whanganui River or Lake Karapiro(Cambridge).

During the second half of the season, rowers compete in inter-school regattas for Wellington Girls’ College. Inter-school champs are held in Wellington, Lake Horowhenua, Lake Karapiro (Cambridge) or Lake Ruataniwha (Twizel).

1 Feb - McLachlan Shield – Wellington Harbour
6 - 9 March – North Island Secondary School Rowing Champs - Lake Karapiro, Cambridge
21 - 30 March – Maadi Cup - Lake Ruataniwha, Twizel

Please note – Only selected crews attend Maadi Cup & only students rowing for WGC throughout the season are eligible for NISSC and Maadi crew selection.
Star Boating Club uniform (unitard) for club events. WGC Rowing uniform (unitard) for inter-school events.Rowing incurs considerable costs. The season fees are approximately $5,600 per rower, plus an estimated $500 for uniform. An additional $1,600 for selected Junior & Seniors who attend Maadi.
More information can be found in the Rowing Handbook.
DescriptionPre-Season SessionsDatesCostRegistration
WGC’s rugby team plays in the College Sport Wellington 12-aside competition on Wednesdays, in U18 Div 2 grade, and our Juniors will play in the U15 Devision.

Tuesdays after school on the field (compulsory) TBC

Head Coach – Jimmy Lawler
Assistant Coaches – TBA
Manager - Abby Craig
We will be running pre-season sessions on the field at WGC in Term 1. To play rugby for WGC, you must attend these sessions as students will be taught how to tackle correctly etc.

If the coaches do not think students are of a standard to play in the team, they will not allow students to play until they are at a safe level.
All year groups are welcome.
Please register your interest in the Rugby pre-season sessions and the Term 2 & 3 competition, via the WGC Registration link.$30.00
WGC Bank Account Number 03 0518-0027013-002
Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith Rugby
Registration forms must be submitted online by Friday 8 March, 2024.
Runners Club operates on Mondays at lunchtime. A teacher / senior students will take the girls to either the Botanical Gardens or the Waterfront. Girls need to change quickly and meet in the Gym Foyer.
The run will be approximately 25 minutes and the girls will run in pairs or small groups depending on their ability. The teacher / senior students will be near the groups and will have a mobile.
Runners Club is open to all year groups and is free of charge. To be allowed to run with this group, you MUST register online first.
The school enters one or two teams of 5 experienced skiers in the North Island Secondary Schools Ski Championships held at Mt Ruapehu. Date 16-18 September, 2024.

NOTE – The 2023 ski trip was cancelled by the organisers and we hope they will be able to run a championship this year. If it goes ahead, 2024 ski trip will be a parent-organised and run for the first this year. If anyone parent would like to be involved, please email the sports office at

Please register your expression of interest online via the sports website if you would like to receive more information closer to the time.
Students are initially asked to provide a “Skiing C.V.” and teams will be selected on a number of criteria including year group, amount of gate and racing experience etc.
3-day event, racing through gates
Day 1. Individually timed
Day 2. Paired racing on a dual slalom course
Day 3. Back-up day
Girls supply their own gear.$600 per skier approximately (after team selection) for the competition and ski passes. Travel, accommodation and food are additional.
WGC Bank Account Number 03 0518-0027013-002
Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith Ski
Registration forms must be submitted online by Friday 14 June.
The school swimming championships will be run at the same time as the House swimming sports (only for Year 9s). The champs are open to any students at any level and we will select a Junior (Year 9 only), Intermediate (Year 10 & 11) and Senior (Year 12 &13) Champion.

Individuals may wish to attend NI Secondary School Championships and Nationals. We do not travel as a team to these events.
WGC Swimming Championships & Year 9 House Swimming Sports – Date Friday, 23 February, Thorndon Pool, 9am – Noon

CSW Individual Champs – 14 June Huia Pool, Lower Hutt

CSW Huia Cup Relays – 20 Sept, Huia Pool, Lower Hutt

WGC Swimming Captain will organise the team so please register your Expressions of Interest to be a part of the WGC swimming team, on the Registration Form
DescriptionCompetitionEquipmentCostUniformRegional TournamentsRegistration
WGC no longer enters the weekly tennis competition. WGC will organise entries into the local competitions.

CSW Open Individual Champs – Wed 28 February, Renouf. (Postponed till 7th March)

CSW Junior Champs - Wed 13 November, Renouf Centre

Must have own racquet. Entry costs to the local tournaments will be invoiced to the players.
Own sports gearAn expression of interest for the tournaments can be found via the Registration Forms link.
If you wish to play Touch in Term 4 - Junior Competition only - you must register your intention to do so on the sports registration form. One training a week.Format TBA

(We will need parents to help transport the team out to the venue, or we will not be able to enter the competition)

CSW Senior Tournament 29 Feb, Fraser Park

CSW Junior Tournament 14 Nov, Fraser Park

WGC PE shorts and tops$40.00

WGC Bank Account Number 03 0518-0027013-002
Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith Touch
Registration forms for Term 4 Touch must be completed online, and payment made, by Friday 13 September, 2024.

See it in action

UWH is a fun, fast paced game played under water in Terms 2 & 3. You wear a mask, snorkel, and flippers and with your teammates, you push a puck across the bottom of the pool to score a goal.At WRAC Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre, Kilbirnie

Senior Skills Training, Sundays 6.10pm - 7.40pm

Junior Skills Training, Sundays 5pm - 6.30pm

One swim fitness training a week Wed 6-7pm for everyone
Students need to provide their own sticks, snorkel, mask and flippers when they start playing in the competition. Your coach will assist with information on the appropriate gear and costs. There will be gear available to hire at the pre-season “have a go” sessions.Tuesday evenings at Kilbirnie (WRAC) for Seniors. Friday evenings for Juniors.

Season competition: Start dates 1st week of Term 2

Pre-season mini tournament blitz - 5th & 6th April

Senior pre-season games start 26 March

14 - 16 June June 2024 – Central Zone Championships, Wellington

31 Aug - 3 Sept – UWH Secondary Schools Nationals, Mt Maunganui
Nationals are for the Senior team only if they qualify at Centrals (Top 5).
Team togs to be organised once team confirmed.

WGC caps and training pucks supplied (to be returned at the end of the season)
(Includes team registration, and pool hire for games and training. Pool entry will still need to be paid)

WGC Bank Account Number 03 0518-0027013-002
Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith UWH
Registration forms are to be submitted online, and payment made, by Friday 23 February 2024.
If you wish to play Senior volleyball or Social volleyball in Term 4 you must register on the registration form by 31
August. Juniors do not need to register, as teams will remain as per Term 1.
Seniors play on Fridays from 4pm at schools in Wellington.
Start date for Senior Prem grade - 20 September

Start date for all other Senior teams - 18th October

Juniors play on Wednesdays from 4pm at schools in Wellington.
Start date for all junior teams - 16th October

1-2 November CSW Volleyball Junior Tournament, , Ākau Tangi

19-22 November, Junior Satellite Tournament, Te Rauparaha Arena, Porirua
TBAJuniors – Junior A & B – tops provided. Other Junior teams - WGC PE top. Mid-thigh Plain black bike shorts or WGC PE shorts.

Senior A & B teams, tops provided and mid-thigh bike shorts. Other senior social teams, WGC PE top and shorts.

(No Nike Pros please or obviously branded shorts)
Junior teams in Term 4 remain as was in Term 1, however if you did not play in Term 1 and would like to be placed in a
team please contact the Sports office.

There may be some changes/additions to teams based on coach

Seniors and all teams wanting to play senior social volleyball must register by Friday 31 August.

Social Competitive Volleyball
Year 10 to 13 students may make up a team with friends. The team will be entered into the normal competition at a level fitting for their team. There are no "social" grades as such. If you are playing in a Social Competitive team, each member must pay and complete the individual registration form too. (If you played and paid in Term 1, you do not need to pay the registration fee.)

One team registration form must also be completed online by the Captain, on behalf of the team. (Via the Tab -
"Registration Forms" on the Sports website). The team will not be entered in the competition until this is done.

The team will need to provide a parent manager who will attend every game or make arrangements for
another parent to stand in.
Juniors – payment has been made for the year
New juniors (Term 4) $60

Seniors – payment has been made for the year

Social Teams - $60 per player for Term 4

WGC Bank Account Number 03 0518-0027013-002 Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith Volley
Registration forms are to be submitted online, and payment made, by Friday 31 August, 2024.
WGC will have a waka ama team if there is enough interest. Please sign up on the registration form to express interest.WGC singlet provided, black shortsHoe Tonga & CSW Secondary School Regionals, Henley Lake, Masterton9th March 2024TBATBAPlease register on the website.
We have one Senior and one Junior team in local competitions. Seniors play in Term 1 and Juniors play Term 4. Juniors are welcome to trial for the senior team if they feel they have the ability.Sunday 9am - 11am, starting 15 September for JuniorsAn additional swim training for the team is at Thorndon Pool on Wednesdays 8am-9am starting date TBA.First Training Date for Juniors – Sunday 15 September.Games are played at Huia Pool or WRAC on Thursdays 7-10 p.mJuniors: Term 4 Start date TBC WGC Black togs available from the sports office for $80.00Black Caps supplied by WGC (free of charge). No coloured caps please.$140.00Pool entry for training and games is additional (approx. $2 per session)WGC Bank Account Number 03 0518-0027013-002Reference=Student’s name & Sport e.g. Rosie Smith WpoloPlease submit your registration form and make payment by Friday 13 September, 2024.