WGC Staff Responsibilities
Helen Dale
Māori Board Representative
Leader of the whānau rōpū, Te Rōpū Whirinaki.
Whānau Hui Lead – We warmly invite all whānau of our Māori students to attend our whānau hui to keep up to date with a range of kaupapa and discuss how the school can best support our tauira Māori.
Laura Calder
Line manager – HOD te reo Māori
Kahukura Wānanga Teacher
Te Ranga Māreikura Mentor
Whānui Hui Support
Overseer of other kaupapa Māori events such as the poroporoaki, te wiki o te reo Māori, Matariki, and Rā Mana Wāhine.
Louise Baker
HOD Te Reo Māori
Kahukura Wānanga Teacher
Teacher in charge of Kapa Haka
Jasmine Kaa
The kaiāwhina will work to support Kahukura, HOD Te Reo Māori, SMT Māori, TiC Kapa Haka and the school to promote the learning and welfare of ākonga by providing practical and learning support to ākonga throughout the school
Te Ranga Māreikura
Te Ranga Māreikura is the Komiti Māori at WGC. Te Ranga Māreikura run many events on the school to celebrate and uplift te ao Māori, such as te wiki o te reo Māori, Matariki, and Rā Mana Wāhine.
Kahukura is our wānanga class for Māori students that meets three times a week. Kahukura was created to make a safe space for our Māori students and a place to learn about different aspects of te ao Māori through waiata, tuku mihi, and more. This is a optional wānanga that students can opt-in to at any time. If you would like to try it out, please contact one of the following;
Kapa Haka - Te Haeata Awatea
Nei rā te whānau a Te Haeata Awatea e mihi atu nei. Kia ora ngā kaihaka o WGC! Nau mai haere mai. WGC’s kapa haka combined with Wellington College, is Te Haeata Awatea. This is led by our tutor Tahi Clarke-Anderson.
We participate in numerous performances, and Māori events throughout the year such as pōwhiri and Rā Haka, as well as the annual prize giving performances for both schools.This year’s focus is preparing for regionals 2025, and upholding the mana of the kaupapa. Kaihaka of all levels are welcome into our kapa, no experience required.
For practice times please email louise.baker@wgc.school.nz
Whānau Hui
These hui are our chance to meet with all whānau members of our Māori students in order to create a connection between whānau and WGC, to stay up to date with different kaupapa Māori, inform different decisions at the school, and create a support network for other whānau and kaiako. Our whānau hui are once a term, check the upcoming events section for dates. Emails are sent out with specific details to all Māori whānau, please email Whaea Laura (laura.calder@wgc.school.nz) for more information.
Te Rautaki Hikitia 2024 - 2026 Māori Achievement Strategy
The vision of Te Rautaki Hikitia: Kia tū ai ngā raukura Māori o Te Kāreti Kōtiro o Te Whanganui-ā-Tara, hei wāhine māia i te ao Māori, i te ao hurihuri.
Māori graduates at Wellington Girls’ College can walk confidently in the Māori world and in contemporary society.
Whānau Hui/ Te Rōpū Whirinaki hui dates
Term 1 week 4 Monday 17th, 2025
Term 2 week 4 May 19th, 2025
Term 3 week 4 August 4th, 2025 (online)
Poroporoaki dates and possible inaugural Māori Prize giving
Term 4 – Week 1 – Wednesday the 16th of October
Further discussions about this will take place throughout the year at Whānau Hui/ Te Rōpū Whirinaki/ Whānau consultation and BOT meetings.
Upcoming Events
Feb 17
Mar 17
May 19
Jun 16
Jun 18
Jul 12
Aug 04
Aug 29
Sep 18
Oct 20