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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most commonly asked questions below. If you can’t find an answer to your query please go to the contact us page and send us a message.

This section will be updated as we come across more frequently asked questions.  Don’t hesitate to contact us should you have a question not covered below.


Does Wellington Girls’ College have an Open Day?

Yes, we hold Open Day Tours – both students and parents are welcome to attend.  You can expect to be at WGC for approximately 60-90 minutes.  Whilst this day is geared towards incoming year 9 students and their parents,  years 10-13 are also welcome to attend. Unfortunately we are unable to provide on-site parking

I am unable to make Open Day can I have a personal tour?

Unfortunately if you can’t make it to Open Day we are unable to offer personal tours unless you are relocating to Wellington from elsewhere in New Zealand or overseas.

Do you have scholarships for students to attend the school?

No.  We are not able to offer scholarship places at Wellington Girls’ College.

I have purchased a property and settlement takes place in 6 weeks. Can I apply to enrol now?

We cannot process an application in advance on the basis of a signed tenancy or settlement.  You must be resident at the enrolment address before your child can be enrolled and provide proof of this.

My partner and I are separated and only one of us lives within the school zone. Is my child entitled to enrol?

This depends on where they spend the majority of their time while the school is open for instruction.  In order to satisfy the school of this you need to supply a copy of the custody agreement or legal documentation with the enrolment application.  If this isn’t available a signed letter from both parents advising the current living arrangements is required to be submitted at the time of the enrolment application.

Can my child live with her Grandparent/aunt/a friend/a homestay family in zone while we live out of the zone?

No.  Students can only live with their parent or legal guardian.

Are there plans to change the school zone?

In 2017 Wellington Girls’ College was asked by the Ministry of Education to review its enrolment zone with a view to eliminating the discrepancies between the written description of the zone and the map they created some years ago.  The proposed zone is very specific now, to reduce the confusion that has existed previously.

How long do we have to remain living in zone?

Students should remain living within the zone for at least 24 months from the date they start at the College.  In the case of a short term tenancy agreement or anyone who moves into the zone at the time of or just prior to enrolment (enrolment is deemed to be the first day of school) on-going proof of address will be requested.

My child is a very strong academic student and/or sportsperson and/or musician. Will this give them preference over other students for an Out of Zone place?

No.  The ballot is carried out under a Justice of the Peace and is akin to Lotto, with numbered balls coming out of a hopper.

What do we do if family circumstances force a move out of the zone?

If you want your child to remain enrolled at Wellington Girls’ College you need to seek permission before moving out of the zone.  The Wellington Girls’ College Board considers all such applications on a case by case basis and in certain circumstances will allow students to continue their schooling.  Others will be advised that a move out of zone will jeopardise their child’s continued enrolment.

How do I get an enrolment pack?

Our Prospectus and link to our online application form are available from the enrolment page on our website

2025 Prospectus
Why a Girls’ School?
Principals Introduction
Junior Student Interviews