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Stationery & School Based Items

Stationery 2025

OfficeMax MySchool is a website where you can link straight through to your child’s pre-populated back to school stationery list.
You can easily add or remove products you already have.
You can buy online or you can simply download a copy of the class list requirements for your child to take to another retailer.

If you wish to purchase stationery requirements from another store please download  and print from the lists below.

School Based Items

As part of providing a full programme of activities to meet curriculum requirements and enhance the curriculum for students at WGC, the school has traditionally provided a range of resources and activities for which parents have made payment. Rulings by the Ombudsman and the Inland Revenue Department have resulted in some rules around how these costs must be described.

When ordering stationery and other resources for your daughter this year, you will notice that some items are marked as “Voluntary Contribution” and others as “Extra Curricular”.

Voluntary Contribution:
Those items marked as “voluntary contribution” are items:

    • that the school provides as part of the curriculum
    • for which the school cannot require payment from parents.

Parents can choose whether or not to pay for these items. Regardless of payment, all students enrolled in the subject will be given access to the item. However in the event that a significant number of parents choose not to pay for these items, the school will experience a shortfall in funding. Voluntary Contributions are classed as a donation and qualify for a tax donation credit rebate.

Extra Curricular:
Those items marked as “Extra Curricular” are items:

  • that the school provides as an enhancement to the curriculum
  • for which the school does not receive funding from the Ministry of Education
  • for which the school can require payment before a student can participate in the activity or access the item

Non-payment of Extra Curricular items means that your daughter will not participate in the activity or receive the resource. In those cases, the school will provide an alternative option to ensure that your daughter still receives the curriculum requirements (e.g. a classroom based activity, rather than going on a field trip)

You can download and print the School Based Items order form below:

2025 Prospectus
Why a Girls’ School?
Principals Introduction
Junior Student Interviews