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Fees and Costs

Wellington Girls’ College enrols up to 70 fee paying students each year.


The school uniform is available from NZ Uniforms, 167 Thorndon Quay.
Second-hand uniform items are available through the school and will cost NZ$200 to $300 (approximately)

Year 13 students do not wear uniform.

Tuition Fee

For international students (requiring English language tuition): NZ$18,000.

For international students from Europe (not requiring English language tuition) : NZ$16,000

The tuition fee covers:

  • all government taxes
  • all classroom tuition costs
  • the loan of textbooks for the year

Examination Fees

Students wishing to gain national qualifications, ie. NCEA at Levels 1, 2 and 3, pay the fee the New Zealand Government sets for international students: NZ$384

Extra Costs

Some subjects have an extra material cost eg. Art, Photography.  Students will be advised of this before they are placed in such a class.

Many subjects have special homework books that the students write in and keep for revision.  Students will be asked to pay for these.

Students are encouraged to take part in sport, music and drama.  They may be asked to pay some extra costs for these activities if they wish to participate.

There are stationery requirements for each subject, however some items can only be purchased at school.

Homestay Fees

Homestay Fees per week in 2025:  NZ$350


All international students must have appropriate health insurance.
The school can help to organise this. The cost for 12 months will be: NZ$650 approximately
Details (in several languages) of the WGC preferred provider can be found at:

Fees Protection

Wellington Girls’ College requires all international students to have appropriate medical and travel insurance. The policy arranged through the school has a Fees Protection provision.  In the event that an existing personal policy does not give this cover the Wellington Girls’ College Board guarantees the fees of all International Fee-Paying Students in the event that the International Programme cannot continue.

Here is the link to our Fees Protection Policy

Any Questions?
If you want to find out more about life at WGC then send us a message. We will get back to you very soon.
Contact Us
International Prospectus