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Literacy and Numeracy Testing Year 10 Whānau Information Evening

Tuesday 23 July @ 5:30pm

Have you heard of the mandatory Literacy and Numeracy co-requisite standards all Y10 students have to sit this September?

We’d like to invite you to an information evening Tuesday 23 July to hear about what this means for your student and how you can help. 

You may have attended the earlier in the year – this is a repeat.

The meeting will take place in the WGC staffroom at 5:30. This is right next to the student office area at the front of the school.

Alternatively, you will be able to join us online through this Google Meet link.

We will discuss:

  • What these tests are and why students have to do them

  • The content of the tests – we will have examples for you to look at 

  • The practical arrangements we have made and what your role is

  • How we are preparing students at school

  • How you can help at home

The Maths and English Heads of Departments will be there to answer any questions you may have.

We look forward to seeing you there.