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WGC Athletics Day 2025

Athletics Day is on Thursday 27th February at Newtown Park. The whole school will be attending and competing. It is compulsory school day, all students must arrive by 9am. Attendance will be taken at the end of the day.

House Dress Up

Students are encouraged to dress up and decorate themselves in their house theme and colours. Students are allowed to travel in your house dress up, no need to wear your school uniform to and from event.

House Activities

House activities will also be held and we encourage students to take part to gain participation points.

Competitive Athletes

If you want to compete competitively please sign up on the sports notice boards in the Gym foyer. All students are encouraged to take part in the House events. You do not need to sign up for house events, just turn up.

Please note 1500m event – If students are planning to run in the 1500m race at 9:30 am, please make you own way to the park as buses will not arrive in time.

What to Bring

Food, sun screen, water, hats and something warm if need be. There will be a Smoothie Truck at the venue and the Snr A Volleyball team will be selling sausage sizzles and baking


Morning buses will leave from outside the college on Murphy Street. Students to report to Brook courts no later than 8:30am. Otherwise, they must come to the Park no later than 9am.

Spaces limited to 500 and Juniors take priority so Seniors please try and make your way to the park independently.


Students cannot leave the grounds unless they have proof of appointment and a signed note from their parents.

Afternoon buses will depart from Newtown Park at approx. 2.30pm to return students to school. The normal school buses home will depart from school at usual time.

Priority will be given to transporting the Jnr students back to WGC and those who have sports games. Senior students may have to use public transport and will need a Snapper card for this.


Athletics Day is unlikely to be cancelled as we do not have another time to run them but if you are in doubt, check the school website and Instagram.

Programme for the day Attached.


WGC Athletics Programme 2025   PDF, 141.8 KB