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WGC Swimming Sports 2025

Friday 14 March – Thorndon Pool 9:30am – Noon (Compulsory for Year 9 students)

The WGC Swimming Championships and the INTER-HOUSE swimming sports are being held at Thorndon Pool, Friday 14th March, 9.30am – Noon.

Competitive swimmers from all year groups should sign up for the Championships on the noticeboard in the gym foyer.


All Year 9 students must meet their teachers at the start of Period 1 in their class. They will walk across to the pool at 9am. Those who intend to swim, please put your togs on under your clothes so you are ready to go.

It is not compulsory to swim but it is compulsory to attend. House leaders will organise the House relays and all Year 9s will be expected to dress up in House colours, not school uniform. Please no glitter or paint on the body for swimmers.

Students will attend classes from Period 4 onwards.

Any queries, please contact the Sports Office,