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2 Free flight to Auckland Uni Open Day

First 2 in get to go.  Please let me know if you want to go. If you do not hear from me sorry you have not been selected.

We have a great opportunity for two of your Year 13 students to join us for a free trip
to the University of Auckland | Waipapa Taumata Rau.
Mānawa Mai Open Day is our flagship event for future students and takes place this
year on Saturday 27 August.
It’s a chance for students to explore our vibrant campus in the heart of Auckland and
get a taste of their future at University. They’ll be able to check out our faculties, chat
to our staff and students, and get a feel for what Waipapa Taumata Rau is all about.
As part of the Mānawa Mai Open Day experience, we are offering two Wellington
students from your school the chance to fly up to Auckland free-of-charge.
The trip includes return flights to Auckland, transport to and from the Auckland
Airport Domestic Terminal, as well as an invitation to the Traveller’s Breakfast held by
the Schools and Community Engagement Team.