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Property Update

30 August

Kia ora, e te whānau

Please use the link for a video of the information

Thank you for your support as we work through the property challenges at our school. Since we told you about the seismic rating of Brook Block, we’ve been working with the Ministry of Education to find a way forward for the short term. I’m pleased to say that the Board endorsed a solution last night and I’d like to update you on this.

1. Pipitea Block
We will move out of the Pipitea Block from 4 November to enable seismic strengthening to be undertaken.
While the bulk of the work will take place over the summer holidays, some work will continue into the new year. The Ministry has assured us that all efforts will be made to keep the noise from construction activity to a minimum so as not to disrupt teaching and learning. The strengthening of Pipitea is expected to be completed by March 2025.

2. Brook Block
As you’re aware, Brook Block had an NBS rating of 15%. This rating related to the top two floors of the block and we decided to move out of those floors. Although additional accommodation is on site and we’ll be in all of those rooms on 16 September, this is to replace the Pipitea classrooms, so if the Brook floors remain out of use, we would not have enough space at the start of the new academic year.

Options we have explored for next year are the strengthening of the Brook floors, a move into local commercial property or the delivery of further temporary accommodation on site.

After lengthy consideration, and discussion with the Ministry, we have decided to bring on 16 modular units to be placed on the former Tower Block site and installed in time for the start of Term 1, 2025. These will accommodate 14 classrooms and two administration spaces.

3. Covered turf
The Ministry agreed earlier this year to replace and cover our artificial turf. A contract has now been let for that work and it will happen over the summer, with the work completed in March. This will give us a covered space with lighting and a sound system where we can fit the whole school, as well as providing more space for PE/sports.

4. Project manager
There’s a lot about to happen and it will all take place over a relatively short space of time. To ensure delivery targets are met, the MOE is paying for an external Project Manager who will work with the school and all the external contractors. This should ensure better communication and also better alignment across all of these projects.

5. Long term solution
We are working with the MOE on the development of a Business Case to respond to our property challenge. The Business Case will now also include consideration of Brook Block as part of the long term solution for the school.
The Business Case be considered by Ministers and Cabinet later this year.
The accommodation being delivered for Term 1 will give us sufficient accommodation on site to work through the strengthening of Pipitea, any work in Brook and the wider works identified through the Business Case to support the College in the long term.

I’ll keep you updated you on the progress of this Business Case.

In next week’s newsletter I hope to have some drawings that will show you where the new rooms will be located – we think it will work well.

Thank you again for your support.

Ngā manaakitanga

Julia Davidson