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Airforce – Logistics Specialist online info session

Kia ora,
So you’ve heard what a great life you can have following your passions in the New Zealand Defence Force, but what trade should you choose?

We want to give you some more information about the role of Logistics Specialist in the Royal New Zealand Air Force.  So come along to our webinar to learn more about the role.

You’ll get the chance to hear from Logistics Specialists and their day-to-day life in their jobs and what life is like in the Air Force in general. You will also hear from a Recruiter about the application process, and have the opportunity to ask questions.

Your whanau and those supporting your career decisions are welcome to join in as well.
When: 6:00 – 7:00pm on Wednesday 15 June 2022
Where: Online via Microsoft Teams (click to access link)
We look forward to seeing you there!
Ngā mihi
NZDF Defence Careers