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Auckland Uni Online and Actual Open Day Info and Registration

Tēnā koutou katoa
Greetings from the Schools Partnership Office
We send you our very best wishes in difficult times. We also extend a warm invitation to attend our exceptional dual-option Open Day 2020. It would be great if you could attend both!
First up we offer Open Day Online, Tuesday 25 – Thursday 27 August, 6–9pm. This three-evening event will be especially useful for those who can’t make it in person on 29 August, and for those who wish to explore their options before their on-campus visit. There’s nothing like being here – so we’d also love to meet you in person at Open Day On Campus, Saturday 29 August, 9am–2pm.
Our vibrant Open Day Online experience will excite and motivate your students. Over three evenings, we’re offering a skilfully crafted programme to exactly suit your students’ needs for both information and inspiration. Included will be live webinars hosted by top academics. These are the very people who lead academic programme development and deliver unparalleled learning experiences to our students.
Open Day On Campus is your chance to visit us in person. There will be stands and displays, live presentations, and plenty of entertainment to give you a taste of student life at the University of Auckland.
At both events, there’ll be lots of input from current students. The very sorts of high achievers who your own students will be joining when they enrol with us. There’ll also be virtual tours of our cutting edge facilities – and of our attractive and exciting campus environments. We’ll showcase our comfortable, convenient and safe accommodation options. And we’re also working on much more!
In summary, we’re offering a great on-campus event, plus a vivid online experience, literally at the click of a button. We look forward to welcoming you!
Ngā mihi nui
Register HERE