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Auckland University Maori & Pacific Engineering Pathways Scholarships

I would like to bring to your attention the AUEA Maori and Pacific Engineering Pathway Awards which are now open for applications.

AUEA Maori Engineering Pathway Awards – closing date 1 November

The Awards were established in 2017 and are funded by the Auckland University Engineers Association (AUEA) Inc.

The main purpose of the Award is to provide financial and mentoring assistance to first year Māori and Pacific students who have achieved academically, have demonstrated leadership potential, and have demonstrated active participation in community, cultural and other activities, and have demonstrated commitment to, or interest in, the BE(Hons) degree programme.

AUEA Pacific Engineering Pathway Awards – closing date 1 November

Please see The University of Auckland Scholarships and Awards for School-Leaver and First Year Students 2020 guide online for further information on scholarships available to students.

Click through on the title of the scholarships in this guide to be taken to the information and regulations pages for each scholarship. I have also attached a copy of this guide for your reference.