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Auckland University Young Scholars Programme & Maths Paper

Young Scholars Programme

Applications are now open for our Young Scholars Programme for 2022.

Please see the information on our website for further details of courses including information on which courses are taught in person in Auckland and which are offered as distance learning. For any queries, please contact the course administrator.

Applications will close on the 8 December 2021.

MAX (Maths 199)

MAX (Maths 199), a University of Auckland class designed for mathematically strong year-13 students.  MAX is part of the Young Scholars Programme, allowing students to take a course at the University of Auckland while they’re still enrolled in high school.

Please see attached for additional information from the academic coordinator for MAX Maths Padraic Bartlett. If you would like more information, please see our website for further details, attend the upcoming information session or contact Padraic directly via

Friday 3 December 2021

5:30 – 6:30pm

Passcode: 446618