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Brain Bee

Calling all Brain Bees, Zombies, and Year 11 students interested in brains!

If you are interested in entering Brain Bee this year, please come to a meeting in T43 this Friday 8th Feb at Lunchtime! If you are intending on entering this year, or just want to find out more about the competition, you need to come to this meeting.                                                            

The Brain Bee Challenge is an exciting neuroscience competition for high school students who are in Y11 in 2019. You’ll learn lots of fascinating information about how the brain works, and different neurological diseases, and will get the chance to visit and compete at University of Auckland School of Medical and Health Sciences.

Come along to a quick introduction and planning meeting Friday:

When: Friday 8th February. Lunchtime.

Where: T43.

If you can’t make it, but still interested? Please email:

Dr Rowe: