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Breakthrough Junior Challenge – Tali Whiteridge FINALIST

Tali Whiteridge, a local WGC student, has been selected as a semifinalist in the global Breakthrough Junior Challenge. This is a competition inspiring creative thinking about science, and the prizes are:

The Many Worlds Interpretation | Breakthrough Junior Challenge 2024 Tali

$50,000 US Dollars for her favourite science teacher
$100,000 US Dollars for a science lab for her school
$250,000 US Dollars for a post-secondary scholarship anywhere in the world

The next phase is the Popular Vote, and she’d be really grateful if you could vote for her video by liking it on both YouTube and Facebook here:

Her video is only 2 minutes long and the Popular Vote closes on 20th of September. The winner of the Popular Vote automatically goes through to the final round of judging.

It would be awesome if you could share these links with your networks and encourage them to vote for her too.”

