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Career Opportunities for Women in Aviation

On Thursday 23rd May 2019 the Wellington Branch of the Royal Aeronautical Society is running an evening event comprising short presentations and a panel style question and answer session, titled ‘Career Opportunities for Women in Aviation’.  This is being held at Xero Offices 19-23 Taranaki Street from 6.00pm – 7.30pm followed by questions.  Refreshments are being served at 5.30pm.

This informative event is open to all students, lecturers, teachers, aviation industry professionals, enthusiasts and anyone, not just females, involved with young people who may be considering a career in aviation.

This is also an occasion where those with an interest in aviation can find out about the range of great jobs available working with aircraft.

This unique Wellington event will include a main presentation by Natasha Politakis and will be followed by short presentations from other women working in the aviation industry, who will briefly talk about their careers.  The event will conclude with the panel of speakers participating in an interactive discussion and questions & answer session with the audience.

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