Wellington Girls’ College is one of the leading sporting schools in the Wellington region. We encourage our students to participate in sport during their time at the college, taking the opportunity to continue with their sports or try new sports. We have over 25 sports ranging from Athletics to Waterpolo with opportunities both for the committed athlete to develop their potential, and for others to play in friend group social teams.
The success of sport at Wellington Girls’ College relies on volunteers working hard on behalf of the students. If you can help us, please indicate this on your student’s registration form or contact the Sports Department.
The Sports Department is located in the gym foyer and is open during school hours for queries or alternatively contact: sport@wgc.school.nz.
WGC has a policy of equal playing time over the season and coaches are informed of this at the time of signing up to coach. Please contact the WGC Sports Office if you have any concerns. We will do our best to accommodate everyone in their chosen activity but occasionally we cannot place a student in a team. A refund will be made should this occur.
Wellington East Summer Exchange 2025
Date Thursday 3 April, hosted by WGC at Ākau Tangi
– Volleyball Senior A, Waterpolo Senior A (TBC), Futsal Senior A, Floorball Senior A.
(Athletics Relay will take place on Thursday 27th February – WGC Athletics Day)
Palmerston North Girls’ High Exchange 2025
Thursday 12th June – PNGHS Hosting in Palmerston North
– Football 1st X1, Hockey 1st X1, Netball Senior A&B and Junior A, Basketball Senior A
Wellington East Winter Exchange 2025
Tuesday 12th August, hosted by WGC at Ākau Tangi
– Basketball Senior A, Netball Senior A, Football 1st XI, Hockey 1st XI, Badminton Senior A, Underwater Hockey Senior A, Rugby
National Tournament Guidelines
Wellington Girls College (WGC) recognises the value of national secondary school sports tournaments/events and supports its top senior teams to attend these events.
WGC supports Sport NZ’s statement that ‘Balance is Better’ (creating quality experiences for all young people to keep them active and in the game) and the initiative ‘Good Sports’ (a culture change initiative aiming to create positive sporting experiences for young people by educating and supporting the key adult influencers in youth sport – in particular, parents).
WGC Sports Department has set the following guidelines for entry into national tournaments. These guidelines are endorsed by the Board of Trustees and will help set expectations for students, coaches, managers and parents (‘Good Sports’).
Our Teams
WGC will consider, and in most circumstances support, entry into national tournaments/events sanctioned by NZ School Sport for:
The rationale for these guidelines is outlined below.
Our Squads – Athletics, Cross country, Rowing and Swimming
As these codes do not have regular College Sport Wellington competitions, teams/individuals will work with the WGC Sports Department to ensure WGC is represented at national events. Participation will be code specific and communicated to parents, coaches, managers and students at the start of each season by the Sports department so that everyone understands the process. Greater parental organisation is usually required in these sports because of the nature of these events and the timings around qualifying events.
All items are available from NZ Uniforms, 168 Thorndon Quay.
Please check the OUR SPORTS section for each sport’s requirements.
If you buy sports shoes from Shoe Clinic, $10 per pair goes back to WGC. The money will be donated to a senior girl(s) who has given her time and energy to the sports programme and it will enable her to buy sports shoes.
Sport Guidelines
Sport can be a positive vehicle for social interaction. Active participation in a quality programme leads to a healthy active lifestyle, encourages the strive for excellence and endorses the values of positive competition, fair play and teamwork. Through sport and physical activity we can build healthy, confident people who have pride in self, the school and the local community. All students are encouraged to participate and thereby enhance their physical, social, intellectual and personal development.
Players and Coaches of all codes must signify their willingness to support the principles of Fair Play. The normal standards of behavior and observance of school rules are also expected at all times from students representing the school.
This College abides by the rules of fair play.
WGC students will have equal playing time over the season, except for the top teams of each code. All coaches will respect this directive. Please contact the Sports Director if you have any concerns.
The Sports Department will do its best to accommodate everyone in their chosen activity but occasionally a student cannot be placed in a team. A refund will be made should this occur.
All students will register and pay their sports fees prior to placement in a team. If payment is not made, the student may be withdrawn from the team by the Sports Department.
Fundraising for sports tournaments is encouraged. All such activities must have the prior approval of the Principal and Director of Sport.
A one off $35.00 administration fee is charged per year, regardless of the amount of sports played. The cost of running sport at WGC is high and the school last year subsidised sport to the tune of more than $120K over and above what parents paid for registration for each sport. It still means that sport isn’t cost neutral for the school, but there is some contribution from parents towards the true costs of running the sports programme.
We have over 20 different sports available and students can choose to play in teams that have been trialled and selected, or they may put teams together with friend groups. These social competitive teams play in the same competition as the trialled teams. They will liaise with the Sports Department as to what level they compete.
No student may leave class early to travel to midweek sports fixtures unless approved by the Sports Office. Managers need to liaise with the Sports Office if an early release is needed. Teachers will be informed by the Sports Office only. 3pm is usually the earliest students can leave class.
All Fundraising applications must be made through the Principal, who will complete paperwork and pass onto the Board of Trustees for approval prior to posting. NO applications can be made on behalf of the school without this process taking place.
Any external fundraising a WGC team undertakes i.e. gala, sausage sizzle, and car parking at school when rugby games are on must be cleared with the Principal.
Equipment provided to teams will be of a good standard, repaired and replaced as necessary. Sports equipment must be returned to the Sports Office at the end of the season.
School facilities will be well maintained and be safe venues for sports training and competition.
All uniforms issued must be returned to the Sports Office at the end of the season, in good order and clean. If uniforms are not returned, students will be charged for that item of clothing.
Many and varied awards will be presented at the annual WGC Sports Awards. The awards are held at WGC in October.
Invitees: All top teams for each sports code, Senior B Netball, Social Team of the Year, WGC Swimming Champs and WGC Athletics Champs. Invitations will be issued closer to the time.
The following major sports awards are self nominated and the document is released early September. They are Sportsperson of the Year, Contribution to School Sport, Social Team of the Year, New Zealand Reps and Outstanding Effort in Other Codes not offered at WGC.
As well, we will be awarding Sports Honours for girls who have played in top teams for at least 3 years. Honours also must be applied for via the form.
Sportsperson of the Year
Can be awarded to any year level student and to any sports code. It is awarded for achievement; International, National, Regional and School. Where achievements are similar, other issues to be considered include the size of the code, age level competing (e.g. U17s outweighs U15s), school content i.e. competes for WGC if possible, and commitment to the sport within the school.
Contribution to School Sport
Awarded to a senior student, usually Year 13. It is awarded for Contribution in, coaching / official, full involvement, all round ability, leadership, WGC “sports presence” and fairplay.
Social Team of the Year
Awarded to any year group / sport. Winners get an invitation to the Sports Awards. They must show; good team spirit, total commitment to games, successful, fair play at all times, and longevity together as a team.
Team of the Year
This is awarded by the Sports Department and College Sport Wellington. It is awarded to the highest performing WGC school team. It is awarded to a selected school team, i.e. not a social team, that plays an official weekly competition run by official school sport providers. Where achievements are similar, other issues to be considered include the size of the code, year groups and the levels of competition both locally and nationally.
Sports Honours
To qualify for Honours, students must be currently enrolled at Wellington Girls’ College, must have represented WGC in their sport in the year of the award and must have paid their sports fees. Students must accumulate a total of 8 points from the following criteria:
5 points – 3 years in the first school team for that sporting code
1 point – Is an excellent / exceptional player
1 point – Displays dedication to the sport in both competition and training
1 point – Displays a positive attitude and demonstrates “fair play”
1 point – Supportive of the coach, manager and team
Sports Honours are awarded at the discretion of the Sports Department and relevant team management.
Coaching Honours
To Qualify for Coaching Honours students;
Coaching Honours are awarded at the discretion of the Sports Department and relevant team management.
Outstanding Effort in Other Codes
This can be awarded to any year level student and to any sports code that is not offered at Wellington Girls’ College. Where achievements are similar, other issues to be considered include the size of the code, age level competing (e.g. U17s outweighs U15s).
NZ Representative Criteria
Students have to have represented NZ in School, Age Group or Open Individual Championships or been a team member in the period November to October of the current year (excludes Tournament teams and NZ squads).
Coach of the Year Criteria
Awarded to any student for commitment to coaching in any sports code. It is awarded for; Commitment to attendance in training and games, Team Achievements, Development of Players, and Acting as a positive role model to players.
During the course of the year there are a number of occasions where the school recognises and applauds the sporting achievements of its students. The Sports and PE departments generally hear of such successes but there are some girls who reach representative status outside of the school’s domain, particularly in minor codes, which we don’t know about. We need you to tell us about achievements.
If you know of a WGC student who has been chosen in a regional or national squad or team, who has broken a record or achieved similar sporting success in any sports code, please let us know. We want to acknowledge our students’ successes.
As Sports Parents, we are all doing our best to support our children in their sporting lives. Trying to find expert information on the best way to support them can be a challenging experience, so it is fantastic that Sport NZ have put together the Balance is Better website with lots of information for parents, coaches and sports administrators.
With this E-Guide, Nuku Ora has picked a number of resources from the website as well as resources from other websites which we feel will best support you on your sports parenting journey. The resources have been organised and split into sections so you are able to utilise the most relevant section to you as a parent at a particular time.
For more resources, visit http://www.balanceisbetter.org.nz and don’t forget to sign up for their newsletter to receive updates and resources straight to your inbox
Developed by health professionals working in the sport sector, this resource provides information and practical tips on topics such as changes throughout female puberty, the menstrual cycle, and factors that impact young people’s physical and mental wellbeing.
While many people who menstruate identify as a girl, woman or female, not everyone does.
Some people who menstruate are trans men, non-binary or intersex.
We have endeavored to use non-gendered terms throughout the resource. However, some sections are specific to female physiology or research.
We recognise that young people in Aotearoa New Zealand are not all the same, and some groups of young people may require different considerations, culturally, physically
and emotionally.
Sport NZ acknowledges the pioneering work of Netball New Zealand and NetballSmart with funding from ACC, in the development of the NetballSmart SmartHealth resource.
Sport NZ has worked in collaboration with all parties in producing this handbook.
Sideline Behaviour Expectations
These behaviours help create a positive environment that benefits all players and ensures everyone can enjoy the experience.