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Coronavirus Information

As you may be aware from recent press coverage there is an outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) which originated in Wuhan, China. We are monitoring the situation closely and are taking advice from both the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education.
The Ministry of Health has classified the risk of an outbreak in New Zealand as low. There are no reported cases within New Zealand and we do not have any International students who originate from Wuhan.

We have been advised by the Ministry of Education that any student who may be at high risk of exposure because they have recently been to China or have been in close contact with someone confirmed with the virus should stay away from school for 14 days from the date of their arrival in New Zealand. This is currently understood to be the incubation period for the disease. More information is available at: We will continue to update you if any additional relevant information becomes available.

We are therefore asking every student and staff member who has been in mainland China since 16 January, to voluntarily stay at home until 14 days after their arrival in New Zealand. This is a very conservative approach, but is in line with other schools in the region. These absences will, of course, be marked as Justified.

Our Homestay families have been very supportive of their international students and we will be providing them with additional supplies to maintain a high level of hygiene.

Students who are at home will be able to email their teachers and ask for links to work online.

The Ministry of Health is monitoring the situation very closely. Symptoms of the virus have been reported as being; fever, fatigue, a dry cough, shortness of breath and/or difficulty breathing. If students are displaying any of these symptoms, we recommend that the student stays at home and that you inform us and also make contact with your GP, or Healthline 0800 611 116.

Travellers who become sick within a month of their arrival are encouraged to seek medical advice and contact Healthline at 0800 611 116 or doctor and share their travel history.

In order to reduce the spread of any infectious diseases, we ask that the following is followed;

● Keep a close eye out for any symptoms.
● Students that are ill are kept at home.
● Maintain personal hygiene thorough washing and drying of your hands with soap and water.
● Covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue and washing your hands afterwards.

More information can be found on the Ministry of Health website and the World Health Organisation website.
