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On the weekend of 23 March three WGC teams competed in the regional round of the New Zealand Schools’ Debating Championships.  

Our Premier A team of Edie Berryman (Yr 13), Maddi Homewood (Yr 12), Eva Duignan (Yr 13), and Teresa Ng (Yr 13) won the tournament for the second year in a row in a final against Wellington College. The motion (WGC on side negative) was ‘This house believes developing countries should prioritise their domestic industry growth over foreign trade.’

Image by: Wellington Girls’ College

WGC also earned two remarkable individual results, with Teresa Ng winning best speaker and Naomi George (Yr 10) winning best junior speaker. In addition, Teresa was selected to compete at the National Finals of the New Zealand Schools’ Debating Championships, which will be held in Wellington in May. It will be her second year as a member of the Wellington Gold Team, which will also include Nikhil Cox (Wellington College), and Kayla Wilson (Kapiti College).

Image by: Wellington Girls’ College

Congratulations to all our talented debaters! It is worth noting that our Premier B and Junior Premier team members are all in Year 10 and 11, while their opponents were largely senior students who compete at least one league above them. It was a truly impressive achievement for our juniors to attend and win several debates, and it speaks well of WGC’s debating future.