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Final hours to apply for a school testimonial

All Year 13 students should fill in this Google Form if they haven’t already. You must fill this in by midnight if there is any chance that you will decide this year or next that you want to live in university accommodation. Filling it in will also entitle you to a school testimonial which you will receive at the end of the year.

Only 8 hours left. You must fill it in by midnight tonight!

Some clarification about teachers who are on leave:

Mrs Davidson has made a call that we can’t ask teachers on leave to write reference comments. So if you have put down someone who is on leave, or has left WGC permanently, you need to go back into the form and replace that person with someone else. This includes Ms Bascand, Mr Holloway and Ms Teo – even if they said yes to you, when you asked them personally. This is Mrs Davidson’s call – because she wants to be a good employer, and not to ask people to do work for us when they are not being paid by our school.

Important update about Mr Carey:

Unfortunately, we have learned that Mr Carey is quite unwell, and is not going to return to WGC in Term 3. This means that he will not be available to write reference comments for you (even if he said yes to you by email). Again, Mrs Davidson does not want him to have to do this work when he is unwell and on leave. So, if you have chosen Mr Carey as one of your three teachers, please go back into the form and select a different teacher. NOTE that this is a change from earlier messages you may have received about Mr Carey.

To go back into the form, you need to find the email you received confirming that you had submitted the form. If you have trouble with this, contact Ms McCallister ( and she will do it for you.