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GAP Information Evening – Lattitude Agency

Lattitude (GAP provider) are about to embark on a series of information nights in the Wellington region. These are a great opportunity for any students, in particular those in year 13, to come along and find out more information about the international travel/work experience opportunities available to them. They are more than welcome to bring their parents/guardians etc.
All our Info Nights nationwide can be viewed here:
Wellington dates are as follows:
13th February Info Night:  Link to register seats here:
For the 13th March Info Night:

 For the 17th April Info Night:

We would be greatly appreciative if you could take the time to advertise these events in your school notices/school social media or similar. It is important to note that our Priority Application closing date for 2020 gap year opportunities is:
Monday 29th April 2019
Applying before this date will give applicants priority selection in their country of choice. Many of our destination countries, in particular the UK/Ireland, Canada and Project Asia do reach capacity every year, and applying early will ensure they avoid disappointment. We DO accept late applications after this date, however, positions are subject to availability.
In conjunction with these information nights, we would LOVE to come and visit your school, meet you, and if you wish, hold a presentation to your senior students. If you would like us to visit, please reply to this email, or call the number below, and we will be happy to arrange a time and date that suits you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or require additional information. You will also find lots of information, including videos, our latest brochure and application form on our website

Kindest regards,

Stevie Hight
Marketing Manager
Lattitude Global Volunteering
(formerly Gap Activity Projects)
GST No: 94-769-795

PO Box 5110

Palmerston North

New Zealand

T: 06 350 5920
Visit our website