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Massey Virtual Vet Science Information Evening 17 September

Veterinary Science Virtual Information Evening   

Thursday 17th September 2020


We are excited to invite you, your students and families to join us for a Virtual Information Evening focusing specifically on our Bachelor of Veterinary Science.


This in-depth information session will tell students everything they need to know about becoming a Vet – what they need to do, what to expect when they get here, and the fantastic career pathways that the Veterinary Science degree opens up for graduates.


This is a great opportunity for prospective Vet students to learn more about their passion and have their questions answered by our team of experts


Date: Thursday 17th September 2020

Time: 7pm

Registration: Please register at


We will be in touch with everyone who registers to confirm details for the night, and in the meantime if you or your students have any questions please just let us know.


Ngā mihi

The Massey Student Recruitment Team