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New For 2020 Bachelor of Midwifery at VUW

Bachelor of Midwifery

Victoria University of Wellington has launched a new Bachelor of Midwifery (BMid)* programme. Our BMid is a four-year undergraduate degree that gives students the skills to support the health and wellbeing of new families during, and after, pregnancy and birth. Students will learn from academics who are experienced and passionate midwives—as well as getting access to Victoria University of Wellington’s expertise in science, psychology, and education.

In the first year, students take foundation courses in biology, chemistry, human development, and health psychology. They will also get an introduction to midwifery practice, experiencing the hands-on aspects of care in a clinical setting such as a hospital or birthing centre. In the second, third, and fourth years, students focus on midwifery theory and practice and will complete 2,400 practical hours by the end of their degree.


*Subject to regulatory approval