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For enquiries regarding your account contact Maree Foster Phone: 472 5743 ext. 734 Email:

Financial Information

School Donations 2024

It’s that time of the year when we ask you to invest in your daughter’s future through making a valuable contribution by way of your Donation to the College. Much of the equipment and resources we provide here at Wellington Girls’ are not covered by government funding. We rely heavily on the generosity of our parent community to continue to provide the exceptional level of education and experiences that we provide at Wellington Girls’ College.

Payment Methods

We now have several options available to pay a student’s account.

Our preferred method of payment is direct internet banking to the school as this doesn’t incur any additional costs to you or the school. Please note that our goal is to be cashless as much as possible and we no longer have a dropbox for cash payments. If you have no option but to pay cash, please put this into an envelope, clearly labelled with the student’s name, wananga class, date, and what the payment is for and hand this to the student office.

Internet Banking – 03-0518-0027013-02 or 002 – Wellington Girls’ College
Ref1=student’s name and Ref2=What you are paying for, i.e. Yr9Dance, Yr13 Ball, volcon/don, etc.

Kamar Parent Portal

Account to Account (no charge) or Credit Card (incurs 2.31% merchant fee on top of what you are paying)

You can now have the option to pay a student’s account through the Kamar portal.  Please note that not all charges will be displayed, i.e. early sports registrations, balls, dances, etc. in these instances, you will need to pay by internet banking or eftpos through the student office.

If you share the payments of a student’s account with another, and have a 50/50 split of the account, please note that when you pay via the portal, even though your account is split 50/50 that you will see the full account and you will need to split each cost manually.

If you wish to pay via the Kamar portal, please click onto the following link:

Then select:

  • Financial Tab at top of screen

Click on the items you wish to pay or you can overwrite the amount shown for what you would like to pay


  • Method of payment

Either click on:

  •  ‘Account to Account’ for online banking – no charge associated with this


  • ‘Creditcard/DPS payments’ – incurs a 2.31% merchant fee charge on top of what you are paying

then follow the screen prompts

Eftpos at Student Office – Eftpos for minor payments only which are not shown on student’s accounts in Kamar.  Please note that the student office no longer accepts credit card payments – only eftpos.

The following is a breakdown of the Donation requested for 2024 and the activities it will cover:

General Education Support Donation - $330.00 Per Student

The General donation helps provide some of the things that our parents and students tell us they expect at WGC.

Your donation helps pay for:

  • School Nurse’s clinic which gives 30 hours a week, free access to all students to support their health and wellbeing – part of this has been subsidised by the generosity of the WGC Parents’ Association and WGC Parents’ Support Group and with the balance being offset by your donation
  • Additional Teacher Aides for in class support in ESOL and Learning Services
  • Equipment, uniform, staffing support & facilities hire for sports extra curricular
  • Support for extra curricular cultural activities, including Pasifika, Asian Performance and Kaupapa Māori
  • Admin support and resources for Music
  • Range of consumable items for classrooms and the Library
  • Equity/Hardship support for families, i.e. extracurricular activities, uniforms, payments for Snapper top-ups to ensure students can get to school

Technology Donation - $240.00 Per Student

Access to technology for all students and enabling digital connectivity is essential to support learning within WGC.

Your donation helps pay for:

  • Two dedicated highly technical staff available for staff and student’s IT issues
  • Chromebooks for use by students who do not own a device or their device is undergoing repairs

Development Fund Donation - $225.00 Per Family

This fund supports major capital projects which are beyond the scope of the Ministry of Education’s funding. In most cases, the money is paid forward – so that your daughter benefits from the generosity of previous parents and future cohorts will benefit from your donation.

Your donations and voluntary contributions are eligible for a 33% donation rebate from the Inland Revenue. If you wish to redirect this rebate to support our school, you can now do so through your Inland Revenue myIR account. This is a wonderful way to show your support for our school and help us provide a better extra curricular and educational experiences for our students. We appreciate your generosity, and every contribution makes a difference.

Donation for Non Uniform Days - $8 (School Charity)

You will notice an extra donation this year for $8 which covers the non uniform days throughout the year.  This is a donation and the donation is passed onto the school charity and will cover non uniform days and other events throughout the year.

Donation for 2024

Donation for one student attending

General Donation – $330.00 per student
Technology Donation – $240.00 per student
Development Fund Donation – $225.00 per family
Total – $795.00

1 Student @ WGC  – $795.00
2 Students @ WGC  – $1365.00

Other School Costs

School Based Items and Activities

As part of providing a full programme of activities to meet curriculum requirements and enhance the curriculum for students at WGC, the school has traditionally provided a range of resources and activities for which parents have made payment. Rulings by the Ombudsman and the Inland Revenue Department have resulted in some rules around how these costs must be described.

When ordering stationery and other resources for your daughter this year, you will notice that some items are marked as “Voluntary Contribution” and others as “Extra Curricular”.

Voluntary Contribution:
Those items marked as “voluntary contribution” are items:

    • that the school provides as part of the curriculum
    • for which the school cannot require payment from parents.

Parents can choose whether or not to pay for these items. Regardless of payment, all students enrolled in the subject will be given access to the item. However in the event that a significant number of parents choose not to pay for these items, the school will experience a shortfall in funding. Voluntary Contributions are classed as a donation and qualify for a tax donation credit rebate.

Extra Curricular:
Those items marked as “Extra Curricular” are items:

    • that the school provides as an enhancement to the curriculum
    • for which the school does not receive funding from the Ministry of Education
    • for which the school can require payment before a student can participate in the activity or access the item.

Non-payment of Extra Curricular items means that your daughter will not participate in the activity or receive the resource. In those cases, the school will provide an alternative option to ensure that your daughter still receives the curriculum requirements (e.g. a classroom based activity, rather than going on a field trip)

Sports Fees

All students playing sport will need to pay a one off admin fee for the year of $35.00

Registration costs range from $40 to $250 depending on the sports code.  Some sports incur larger additional fees for tournaments, travel, coaching and equipment.  Full details of costs can be found under the individual sports on the WGC Sport page

Refunds for Trips, Sports Tournaments, Sports and Cultural trips

If any trips/tournaments, etc. are cancelled this year, we will be refunding what you have paid minus any expenses incurred by the school once the final balance is known.


Statements are sent out via email monthly. Receipts for payments made appear at the bottom of the Statement. Your account can be viewed anytime via My Portal. To log in to My Portal click here. If you have misplaced your username and password please phone the office on 472 5743.

Annual Report 2023

Wellington Girls' College 2023 Audited Financial Statements Certified
Wellington Girls' College 2023 Audited Financial Statements Certified
Audit letter of representation 2023
Audit letter of representation 2023