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Pathways to Space Careers Event 12 November

What: Pathways to Space – a free event providing information and inspiration for high school and tertiary students to pursue space careers (with afternoon tea and goody bags!)

When: 2pm – 5.30pm Saturday 12 November

Where: Victoria University of Wellington, Kelburn Parade (Alan MacDairmid Building, entry next to Wishbone cafe).


At the Pathways to Space event in Wellington, students will learn about different types of space jobs in Aotearoa and the training or study courses available in New Zealand to help achieve those jobs.  They’ll also hear a day in the life of a range of amazing New Zealand women space mentors and be able to ask them questions about their space jobs and their pathways to those jobs in relaxed engagement, including over snacks and refreshments!  There are also goody bags of space ‘swag’ to take away – and a fun space quiz with space prizes during the event!

Pathways to Space events are open to all high school and tertiary students, plus supporting whānau or friends.  All young people of any gender who are interested in learning about space careers are very welcome, while we specifically aim to inspire young women.

Spaces are limited due to venue size, so we advise students to get in quick and reserve their places through the link on our website