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References for scholarships, overseas universities or university accommodation: who does what?

Because there are so many requests for references from Year 13 students at this time of the year, the job of writing them is divided up between two people.

Ms McCallister writes CCRFs (references for accommodation). If you apply for a CCRF (at, the application is automatically sent to Ms McCallister, who will use the comments from your three chosen teachers to write your CCRF. Ms McCallister submits your CCRF digitally as soon as she finishes it. These are due on September 15, and Ms McCallister is on track to finish all the ones requested so far before the due date. (There is still time to request one, but be quick, to ensure that there is time for it to be written by September 15.)

If you are applying for a scholarship or an overseas university, you should put this email address in the application:

The reference request will then be sent to Ms Sulaiman, who will write your reference and submit it digitally.

If you are unsure of anything to do with references, you can send an email to Ms McCallister or Ms Sulaiman, who will point you in the right direction.

Later in the year, Ms McCallister will write your leaver’s testimonial. This will be given to you at the very end of the school year.

Kia pai tō koutou rā

Ms McCallister