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Showquest 2019 – Seeking Student Leaders

As Stage Challenge is no longer running, we have been looking at alternative events, and it has been decided that we will enter a team for 2019 Showquest.

This event is lead by students, so I am going to be looking for Student Leaders for the 2019 event.  This event is a theatrical performance involving music, drama and dance, so I am looking for a team of students who can bring together their experience in design (costume and props), drama, choreography and music to create a themed mini-spectacular!

At this stage I am requesting that students who are interested in leading this event prepare a brief that outlines your vision and some ideas around how you each of your team will bring your vision to life in a live performance incorporating costume, props, music, dance and drama.

I would expect that I will arrange interviews with interested students after NCEA exams have finished, but before school ends, so you have until November 23 to submit your vision.

If you would like to know more about Showquest check out their website


If you have any questions, please contact Ms Herrick



Showquest is a new performing arts platform for schools, consisting of a nationwide series of events produced by Rockquest Promotions Ltd, with the support of the Ministry of Education,  that will support schools and students from year 1 – 13 to showcase music, drama and dance.

To be a part of Showquest, schools create a team of students who create, produce and perform an original theatrical production consisting of student-designed and constructed costumes and props, presented in a choreographed, themed mini-spectacular.

The mini-spectaculars will also feature audio tracks, optional video tracks, themes, choreography, dance, and lighting.  They will be performed in front of an audience of peers, family, and general public at a professional venue in your region.

The audio tracks can use commercially available music , which must be approved by APRA NZ, or they can feature original student composed music.

The optional video tracks can be produced by students, or schools can opt to use provided static backdrops, or scenes.