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Swimming – Individual Swim Champs

CSW Individual Swim Champs will go ahead as scheduled on Friday 26 June at Huia Pool, Lower Hutt.

Given the relatively short notice this event won’t be an “official” Swimming New Zealand event so all entries are to be done through the school. please email if you would like to enter. Last year some may remember that some competitive/club swimmers possibly did their own entry via SNZ – this is not required this time.

Age Groups
Under 15 (U15) and 15 & over (15&O). Age as at 1 January 2020

Swimmers may enter 3 events from 50m & 100m Fr, Bk, Br, Fl. In addition, swimmers may also enter the 200m Fr and 100m IM. All events are timed finals with over the top starts.

Warm-up: commences at 9.45am. Feet first entry into the pool during warm-up except for designated dive lanes. Lanes 1 and 7 become dive lanes at 10.00am.

Entries close next Thursday, 18 June.

Please email if you would like to enter with which age group you are,  events you would like to enter and your PBs for that event.