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Tertiary Preparation Programme


 The Tertiary Prep Programme is a series of tutorial-style sessions for all Year 13 students designed to support and develop skills and learning needed to bridge the gap between secondary and tertiary providers. Each session is designed to cover a particular aspect of learning and the set of skills required for academic study. 

This programme is a joint venture between the WGC Careers Department and the WGC Librarians. It is voluntary and ideally students will attend all three sessions. It is for all students considering further study at some point, it is not just for future Victoria students. It will help students to confirm or question whether university is for them and ask if a polytech environment would be better suited.

Location – P1 C/D Lunchtimes

Session One: Week 8, 9th Sept (Wed)

Transition to Uni – ‘What I wish I had Known’  Q & A with first Year Victoria Students

The Differences between Uni and College  (Ms Moran)

Session Two: Week 9, 16th Sept (Wed)

Note Taking/Making (Mr Beckett)

Session Three: Week 10, 23rd Sept (Wed)

Academic Writing/Student Support  – referencing, plagiarism (Ms Henjyoji, Ms Miles & Miss Kao)