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Waikato University Online Course Planning Assistance

If your students are thinking of coming or have applied to the University of Waikato, they are likely to have decided what degree programme they are interested in (or have short-listed a couple of programmes).

They may be unsure or have questions about what programmes are available, the admission requirements, majors and minors, the degree structures, and how to apply.

To make it easy for your students to access information, we have organised a series of online sessions through August and September.

The sessions last one hour and are run after school to ensure they are as accessible as possible for your students and their parents/whānau (if they want to join).

During each session, some University of Waikato’s staff will discuss the degree programmes and answer questions.

We are running sessions covering the following areas:

Digital Course Information Session Degrees
Arts & Social Sciences Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Social Sciences
Psychology Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Social Sciences, Bachelor of Science
Business Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Management Studies (Hons)
Communication & Design Bachelor of Communication, Bachelor of Design
Science, Planning & Environment Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science (Technology), Bachelor of Environmental Planning, Bachelor of Climate Change
Computer Science & Engineering Bachelor of Computer Science, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)
Health, Nursing & Sport Bachelor of Health, Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Health, Sport & Human Performance
Law Bachelor of Laws
Teaching Bachelor of Teaching (Primary), Bachelors degree + Graduate Diploma in Teaching or Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary)

Click on this link for further information, including dates and times, and to register for a session.

Waikato Uni is also here in person for course planning on 28 September.