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We want your Brainy Brains!

The New Zealand Brain Bee Challenge is a fun and interesting neuroscience competition for year 11 students.  You’ll learn heaps of facts about the brain, and understand how the brain accepts and sends messages out to the body, as well as understanding more about the senses, nerves, memory, and neurodegenerative diseases and disorders.

At the end of March, you’ll sit an online quiz to see how much you’ve learned. You may even get an invitation to participate in Brain Bee round two in Auckland, where you’ll get to tour University of Auckland’s neuroscience labs, and compete against students from around the North Island.

If you’d like to know more about the brain, please come along to an information session on Wednesday 23rd Feb at the start of lunchtime in T18.  If you’re unable to make it, but would still like to know more, please email Dr Rowe to register your interest: