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Workshop to Empower Young Women

The Wellington Dream Series event on Saturday the 13 March is part of 3 events across the country which will include a workshop led by a professional coach, the chance to talk to awesome mentors and a keynote speech delivered by Jacinta Gulasekharam (co-founder of Dignity). Young women will learn to:

  1. Appreciate their unique skillset
  2. Discover their passions
  3. Create an action plan towards their dreams

This event is open to girls aged 11 – 16. Click here for more information and to register.”

We understand you must be busy right now communicating with the school community about the latest Covid-19 developments, but this is the perfect time for a morale-boosting event like this that can help students get back on track with so much change happening around them. Thank you so much for your support in advance and I look forward to seeing some of your students at the event!  2-minute video

**Please note that this event will be moved online should it need to be**