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Your Education High School Exchanges – online student and parent information meetings

High School Exchanges!

Your Education is the only NZ owned and operated school exchange organisation. They specialise in short term exchanges for students aged 15 to 18 years and offer exchanges to Canada, USA, Denmark, UK, Spain, Italy, France, Sweden, The Netherlands, Japan, Finland, Norway and Germany.

If you want to know more about overseas High School Exchanges from Your Education, register your interest for their next online information sessions being held on Tuesday, 13th September 2022 at 6.00pm or on Tuesday 20th September at 7.00pm.   All interested parents and students Y10–Y13 welcome.   An experienced staff member and returnee will share information about the destinations they are offering in 2023.

For the zoom link, RSVP on our website

Also see Ms McGuinness in Careers for further information.