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Senior Languages

Te Reo Māori – Year 11, 11TR

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
Level 1 Te Reo Māori helps us practise our language that we have learnt in Years 9 and 10 and apply it to the world we live in. We learn how to talk about our habits, our work, our favourite food, places, people, things we like and dislike, issues we agree and disagree with. We will learn new karakia, extend our pepeha, learn new whakataukī, kīwaha and waiata. We practise our reo by speaking, listening, reading and writing. We will continue learning about tikanga and history and debate issues around te ao MāoriA mixture of assessments will be offered in this course across the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.Year 10 Te Reo Māori; or by negotiation with the Head of Department.NCEA Level 2 Te Reo MāoriLouise Baker

Te Reo Māori – Tau 11, 11TR

WhakaahuatangaAromatawaiNgā hiahiatangaKa ahu atu kiTe UtuNgā TohuTo discuss contact
Ka whakangungu reo tātou kua ākona i ngā tau tuaiwa me te tau tekau. Ka whakaurutia ki te ao tūroa e noho ana tātou. He ritenga, he mahi, he tino kai, he tino tāngata wāhi hoki, he mea pai, he mea matakawa rānei, he take ka whakaae, kāore e whakaae tātou rānei. Ka ako tātou he karakia hou, ka whakawhanake ō tātou ake pepehā, he kīwaha he whakataukī hoki. Ka whakawhanake tātou i te mahi kōrero mai, whakarongo mai, pānui mai, tuhituhi mai. Ka ako tonu tātou i ngā tikanga me ngā kōrero o neherā, ka arohia e tātou ki ngā take i te ao Māori.He aromatawai-ā-roto anake kei tēnei taumata, ko te mahi kōrero, ko te mahi whakarongo, ko te mahi pānui, ko te mahi tuhituhi hokiTe Reo Māori Tau 10Te Taumata tuarua o NCEA$100 mō tētahi wānanga reo, noho rāneiLouise Baker

Te Reo Māori – Year 12, 12TR

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
Our te reo Māori learning journey continues on to level 2, when our language we have learnt in our previous years is used now with growing confidence to express our views, opinions and knowledge of te ao Māori and te ao Pākehā we are learning to navigate and walk within. We continue to learn new karakia, learn new whakataukī, kīwaha and waiata. We continue to practise speaking, listening, reading and writing. We will of course continue learning about tikanga and history, and Māori current affairs.A mixture of internal and external assessments, across the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.NilLevel 3 Te Reo MāoriNCEA Level 2Louise Baker

Te Reo Māori – Tau 12, 12TR

WhakaahuatangaAromatawaiNgā hiahiatangaKa ahu atu kiNgā TohuTo discuss contact
E haere tonu ana tātou i runga i te huarahi ako reo Māori, ka whakatipu tō tātou ihupuku ki te whakamahi i te reo Māori. Ka whakaputa whakaaro, whāinga, mōhiotanga, māramatanga, āhuatanga hoki e pā ana ki ngā take o te ao Māori me te ao Pākehā e hikoi pūhouhou ana tātou. Ka ako tonu i ngā karakia me ngā whakataukī ngā kīwaha hoki, ka whakawhanake tonu ō tātou ake pepehā. Ka kōrero, ka whakarongo, ka pānui, ka tuhituhi tātou. Ka ako tonu tātou i ngā tikanga me ngā kōrero o neherā, ka arohia e tātou ki ngā take i te ao Māori.He aromatawai-ā-roto, he aromatawai-ā-waho hoki tō te marau nei, ko te mahi kōrero, ko te mahi whakarongo, ko te mahi pānui, ko te mahi tuhituhiKāore kauTe taumata tuatoru o te NCEATe Taumata Tuarua o te NCEALouise Baker

Te Reo Māori – Year 13, 13TR

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesLeads toTo discuss contact
Our final year of te reo Māori prepares us for tertiary level study. We will extend our ability to comprehend and communicate in te reo, within an immersive classroom environment. As well as further advancing your language skills, you will be able to lead initiatives, you will be an advocate for te reo at school alongside your te reo Māori teachers. By the end of Year 13 you should be able to communicate confidently and appropriately in different settings and to different audiences and you will be able to think and communicate critically about Māori current affairs.A mixture of internal and external assessments across the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Level 2 Te Reo Māori; or by negotiation with the Head of Department.Tertiary study

Te Reo Māori – Tau 13, 13TR

WhakaahuatangaAromatawaiNgā hiahiatangaKa ahu atu kiNgā TohuTo discuss contact
E te kahurangi! Ko tēnei te tau whakamutunga o tō huarahi ako reo Māori ki te kura. Ka whakarite tēnei tau mō tō mahi ki te ao hurihuri, ki te ao tūroa e. Ka taea e koe te kōrero Māori, ka taea e koe hoki te mārama. Atu ki tō mahi whai matatau, kei a koe te mana mō te reo Māori ki tō tātou nei kura. Ka takoto te manuka i a koe mō te mahi kōkiri i te reo me ōna tikanga ki te taha o te Tari Māori. Hei te mutunga o tō mahi taumata tuatoru, ka māia koe, ka tika koe ki te pūkōrero Māori i ngā horopaki e maha, ki ngā hunga katoa e pā ana ki ngā take whakahirahira rawa atu ki te ao Māori. He aromatawai-ā-roto, he aromatawai-ā-waho hoki tō te marau nei, ko te mahi kōrero, ko te mahi whakarongo, ko te mahi pānui, ko te mahi tuhituhiTe Reo Māori Taumata 2Ka ako i te reo Māori me ōna tikanga i te whare wānangaTe Taumata Tuatoru o te NCEALouise Baker

Chinese / Mandarin – Year 11, 11CI

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
The focus of this course is on active and effective communication in Chinese in a range of everyday contexts. By studying a specific language (Chinese), you will gain a deeper understanding of Whanaungatanga, the crucial interplay between language, culture and identity, and you will develop a stronger sense of your place in Aotearoa and as a global citizen. You will also strengthen your interpersonal and communication skills. You will develop your critical thinking and literacy skills, by exploring patterns in language and key differences in the ways that Chinese and English are organised. By the end of Year 11 you will be able to speak and write with some confidence on topics such as: self-introduction and family life, health, school and education, future plans, travel and holidays. You will consolidate the sentence structures taught in Years 9-10 and extend these so that you are able to use Chinese more flexibly.Your ability to understand and communicate will be assessed throughout the year. You will explore a range of strategies to help you to learn and retain new language and ideas. You will work on the four skill areas (speaking, listening, reading, writing) required for NCEA-level study in the future.Year 10 Chinese, or by negotiation with the Head of Department.$15 for cultural activities.Year 12 Chinese/Modern MandarinNCEA Level 1Ms Wang

Chinese / Mandarin – Year 12, 12CI

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
The focus of this course is on developing communication and comprehension skills within a framework of authentic, natural Chinese. By studying a specific language (Chinese), you will gain a deeper understanding of Whanaungatanga, the crucial interplay between language, culture and identity, and you will develop a stronger sense of your place in Aotearoa and as a global citizen. You will also strengthen your interpersonal and communication skills, and learn to justify your ideas and opinions. You will develop your critical thinking and literacy skills, by exploring patterns in language and key differences in the ways that Chinese and English are organised.By the end of Year 12 you will be able to talk and write about your family life, your country and hometown, promotion of a region, your school life and make some comparisons about how it differs from China. A mixture of internal and external assessment will be offered in this course.Level 1 Chinese, or by negotiation with the Head of Department.$15 for cultural activitiesYear 13 Chinese/Modern MandarinNCEA Level 2Ms Wang

Chinese / Mandarin – Year 13, 13CI

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
The focus of this course is on extending communication and comprehension skills within a framework of authentic, natural Chinese. By studying a specific language (Chinese), you will gain a deeper understanding of Whanaungatanga, the crucial interplay between language, culture and identity, and you will develop a stronger sense of your place in Aotearoa and as a global citizen. You will further strengthen your interpersonal and communication skills, and interact effectively with others, including when discussing challenging topics. You will extend your critical thinking and literacy skills, by exploring patterns in language and key differences in the ways that Chinese and English are organised.A mixture of internal and external assessment will be offered in this course.Level 2 Chinese, or by negotiation with the Head of Department.$15 for cultural activitiesTertiary studyNCEA Level 3Ms Wang

French – Year 11, 11FR

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
The focus of this course is on active and effective communication in French in a range of everyday contexts. By studying a specific language (French), you will gain a deeper understanding of Whanaungatanga, the crucial interplay between language, culture and identity, and you will develop a stronger sense of your place in Aotearoa and as a global citizen. You will also strengthen your interpersonal and communication skills. You will develop your critical thinking and literacy skills, by exploring patterns in language and key differences in the ways that French and English are organised. By the end of Year 11 you will be able to speak and write with some confidence on topics such as: your identity (tastes in music, clothing style etc), where you live and what you eat, what you are good at, and online activities. You will be able to communicate about past and future events. You will consolidate the verb structures covered in Years 9-10 and extend these so that you are able to use French more flexibly.Your ability to understand and communicate will be assessed throughout the year. You will explore a range of strategies to help you to learn and retain new language and ideas. You will work on the four skill areas (speaking, listening, reading, writing) required for NCEA-level study in the future.Year 10 French, or by negotiation with the Head of Department.Year 12 FrenchNCEA Level 1Ms Sinclair

French – Year 12, 12FR

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
The focus of this course is on developing communication and comprehension skills within a framework of authentic, natural French. By studying a specific language (French), you will gain a deeper understanding of Whanaungatanga, the crucial interplay between language, culture and identity, and you will develop a stronger sense of your place in Aotearoa and as a global citizen. You will also strengthen your interpersonal and communication skills, and learn to justify your ideas and opinions. You will develop your critical thinking and literacy skills, by exploring patterns in language and key differences in the ways that French and English are organised.You will be able to use more complex French to communicate effectively on more adult topics. By the end of Year 12 you will be able to discuss and write about themes such as: family life and friendship, future plans, aspects of French history and French-speaking countries of the world. A mixture of internal and external assessment will be offered in this course. There is scope for students to choose which internal standards they will complete.Level 1 French, or by negotiation with the Head of Department.Year 13 FrenchNCEA Level 2Ms Sinclair

French – Year 13, 13FR

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
The focus of this course is on extending communication and comprehension skills within a framework of authentic, natural French. By studying a specific language (French), you will gain a deeper understanding of Whanaungatanga, the crucial interplay between language, culture and identity, and you will develop a stronger sense of your place in Aotearoa and as a global citizen. You will further strengthen your interpersonal and communication skills, and will continue to learn how to interact effectively with others in French, including when discussing challenging topics. You will extend your critical thinking and literacy skills, by exploring patterns in language and key differences in the ways that French and English are organised. You will have the confidence to communicate effectively in written and spoken French using increasingly complex language on a range of more abstract topics. By the end of Year 13 you will be able to explore the views of others and share your personal perspectives on such themes as: environment and sustainability, work and study, immigration, and other aspects of contemporary French society. You may also read some extracts from French literature and/or study a film.A mixture of internal and external assessment will be offered in this course. There is scope for students to choose which internal standards they will complete.Level 2 French, or by negotiation with the Head of Department.Tertiary studyNCEA Level 3Ms Sinclair

German – Year 11, 11GM

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
The focus of this course is on active and effective communication in German in a range of everyday contexts. By studying a specific language (German), you will gain a deeper understanding of Whanaungatanga, the crucial interplay between language, culture and identity, and you will develop a stronger sense of your place in Aotearoa and as a global citizen. You will also strengthen your interpersonal and communication skills. You will develop your critical thinking and literacy skills, by exploring patterns in language and key differences in the ways that German and English are organised.By the end of Year 11 you will be able to speak and write with some confidence on topics such as: your identity (tastes in music, clothing style etc), your hometown, travel and holidays, and health. You will be able to communicate about past and future events. You will consolidate the verb structures covered in Years 9-10 and extend these so that you are able to use German more flexibly.Your ability to understand and communicate will be assessed throughout the year. You will explore a range of strategies to help you to learn and retain new language and ideas. You will work on the four skill areas (speaking, listening, reading, writing) required for NCEA-level study in the future.Year 10 German, or by negotiation with the Head of Department.$15 for workbook, $10 for German assistant, and $170 for German Immersion Camp.Year 12 GermanNCEA Level 1Ms Scadden

German – Year 12 , 12GM

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
The focus of this course is on developing communication and comprehension skills within a framework of authentic, natural German. By studying a specific language (German), you will gain a deeper understanding of Whanaungatanga, the crucial interplay between language, culture and identity, and you will develop a stronger sense of your place in Aotearoa and as a global citizen. You will also strengthen your interpersonal and communication skills, and learn to justify your ideas and opinions. You will develop your critical thinking and literacy skills, by exploring patterns in language and key differences in the ways that German and English are organised.You will be able to use more complex German to communicate effectively on more adult topics. By the end of Year 12 you will be able to discuss and write about topics such as: family life and friendship, the media/internet, keeping fit and healthy, future plans and career options, and the study of a film.Assessment: A mixture of internal and external assessment will be offered in this course.Level 1 German, or by negotiation with the Head of Department.$10 for German assistant and $170 for German Immersion Camp.Year 13 GermanNCEA Level 2Ms Scadden

German – Year 13 , 13GM

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
The focus of this course is on extending communication and comprehension skills within a framework of authentic, natural German. By studying a specific language (German), you will gain a deeper understanding of Whanaungatanga, the crucial interplay between language, culture and identity, and you will develop a stronger sense of your place in Aotearoa and as a global citizen. You will further strengthen your interpersonal and communication skills, interact effectively with others, including when discussing challenging topics. You will extend your critical thinking and literacy skills, by exploring patterns in language and key differences in the ways that German and English are organised.You will have the confidence to communicate effectively in written and spoken German using increasingly complex language on a range of more abstract topics. By the end of Year 13 you will be able to explore the views of others and share your personal perspectives on such themes as: our changing world, environmental issues, cultural identity, people you admire, and the study of a film.A mixture of internal and external assessment will be offered in this course. There is scope for students to choose which internal standards they will complete.Level 2 German, or by negotiation with the Head of Department.$10 for German assistant and $170 for German Immersion Camp.Tertiary studyNCEA Level 3Ms Scadden

Heritage Languages and Culture – Year 11

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
Ko tōu reo, ko tōku reo, te tuakiri tangata / Your language and my language are expressions of identity. Would you like to be more confident using a language that you speak or hear at home and in the community?Would you like to explore your heritage language and identity, and connect with your heritage culture? You will have the opportunity to:- Develop your speaking, listening, reading and writing skills- Explore culture and language through an inquiry about something that interests you- Learn more about how to develop language learning skills and improve your literacy skills- Learn about and create different crafts and art forms in the languages and cultures you are exploring. You will be learning through a mixture of self-directed study and classes led by teachers from the school and members of the community. Where possible you will also have access to Education Perfect and Te Kura courses.You will be working on extending your language knowledge, and explore a range of strategies to help you to learn and retain new language. You will also have the opportunity to research and write about aspects of your heritage culture. Level 1 NCEA credits are available if needed.Students should have a connection to a heritage language/cultureN/AHeritage Languages and Cultures Senior CourseLevel One NCEA credits available if needed.Ms Sinclair (HoD Languages)

Heritage Languages and Culture – Year 12/13

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
Ko tōu reo, ko tōku reo, te tuakiri tangata / Your language and my language are expressions of identity. Would you like to be more confident using a language that you speak or hear at home and in the community?Would you like to explore your heritage language and identity, and connect with your heritage culture? You will have the opportunity to:- Develop your speaking, listening, reading and writing skills- Explore culture and language through an inquiry about something that interests you- Learn more about how to develop language learning skills and improve your literacy skills- Learn about and create different crafts and art forms in the languages and cultures you are exploring. You will be learning through a mixture of self-directed study and classes led by teachers from the school and members of the community. Where possible you will also have access to Education Perfect and Te Kura courses.A range of internal and external standards is available, depending on the language, including research standards into aspects of the heritage culture.Students should have a connection to a heritage language/cultureN/ATertiary StudyLevel Two and Three NCEA credits availableMs Sinclair (HoD Languages)