Description | Assessment | Pre-requisites | Voluntary contribution | Qualification available | To discuss contact |
In Year 11 Transition and Pathways you will be provided with the opportunity to explore the world of work. This includes employment rights and responsibilities, producing a CV, interview skills, occupational health and safety practices, filling in forms, budgeting skills and working in teams. You are encouraged to attend at least one STAR funded short course during the year. | Internally assessed unit standards. | Nil | Nil | Ms Johnson |
Description | Assessment | Pre-requisites | Voluntary contribution | Qualification available | To discuss contact |
In Year 12 Transition and Pathways you will be provided with the opportunity to explore the world of work. This includes career planning, job search skills, taxation and other deductions, employment agreements, writing formal correspondence and working in a team. You will also gain knowledge of independent living, including renting and flatting. You will be encouraged to attend at least one STAR funded short course during the year. | Internally assessed unit standards | Nil | Nil | NCEA Level 2 | Ms Johnson |
Description | Assessment | Pre-requisites | Voluntary contribution | Note | Qualification available | To discuss contact |
This programme is available to Yr12 and Yr13 students who wish to combine practical learning in the workplace with school study over the course of the year.Gateway may be ideal for you:If you have some ideas about your career path and want to make a start on preparing for employment or tertiary training in your field of interestIf you are wishing to explore pathways and/or gain valuable work experience in a work environment Gateway includes:Interactive unit standards (Level 2 and 3) completed in class covering sought after skills by employers including communication, customer service, interview skills, working with and in the communityThe opportunity to gain industry related creditsParticipation in the compulsory FlowerPot pop up retail programme for Year 12 students (16 Level 2 credits)Work placements which are available in a variety of industries including early childhood education, automotive, building and construction, retail, hospitality, horticulture, hairdressing and community to name a few | Internally assessed unit standards | You need to apply to join the programme and be interviewed to assess your suitability. | Nil | This subject is not on the approved subject list for University Entrance but the Level 3 credits contribute towards NCEA Level 3 which is required for UE. | NCEA Level 2 or 3 | Ms McGuinness or Ms Caseley |
Description | Assessment | Pre-requisites | Voluntary contribution | To discuss contact |
This course is intended for students who wish to complete only five Level 2 assessed subjects and is viewed by the school as an important aspect of the Year 12 course. The Year 12 Ako class offers a supervised workshop period for students to prepare for assessments, seek support, and manage their workload. English and Maths teachers will be in class to help students review notes, workshop ideas, understand assessment tasks, and collaborate with others. Although study will be self-directed at times, it is not a rest period and the classroom phone rules will apply. | N/A | Nil | Nil | Ms Johnson |
Description | Assessment | Pre-requisites | Note | Qualification available | To discuss contact |
In this course you will complete a range of modules which will develop your customer service skills during three timetabled periods with one extra study period per week. You will learn how to deal with and resolve consumer problems, how to apply product knowledge, how to respond to customer complaints, the consequences of theft and fraud, giving oral instuctions to work colleagues and how to apply skills and qualities in a retail environment. | Internally assessed unit standards | Nil | This subject is not on the approved list for University Entrance but the credits contribute towards NCEA Level 3 which is required for UE | NCEA Level 3 | Ms Johnson |
Description | Assessment | Pre-requisites | Note | Qualification available | To discuss contact |
This course involves the study of New Zealand tourism and the impact that the fluctuating domestic and international tourist numbers has on Aotearoa. You will also get the opportunity to study travelling in Pacific Island countries or UK & Ireland or Australia as tourist destinations. Kiwis pride themselves on their big OE or gap year so Tourism is a great opportunity to help students’ prepare for future trips abroad and/or investigate career options they may be interested in. This course questions New Zealanders’ understanding of the importance of Māori place names with demonstrating correct pronunciation. Students will research tourist attractions, plan itineraries and gain knowledge on how to enhance tourists experiences while travelling. Students in this class get preference to attend Tourism and Hospitality STAR courses which are offered throughout the year. | Internally assessed unit standards. | Nil | This subject is not on the approved list for University Entrance but the credits contribute towards NCEA Level 3 which is required for UE. | NCEA Level 3 | Ms Johnson |
Description | Assessment | Pre-requisites | To discuss contact |
Imagine if we could live in a fantasy world or have magical powers? How would our lives change? Imagine a world of your own creation. Let’s explore famous fantasy worlds (dystopia and utopia) together and discover how they work. Our exploration will include science fiction and anime and will ask questions like would these imagined worlds be better than our own? | There is no homework or assessment. Your progress is monitored by your teacher and the Dean. | Entry to this course is limited. You, your parents, the Head of Learning Support and your Dean can help you to decide if this course is for you. | Mrs Lisa Duggan |
Description | Assessment | Pre-requisites | To discuss contact |
Learning Studies provides you with a supportive environment where you can develop learning strategies for secondary school. You will have the opportunity in a small class environment to get help with other subjects and internals or help organising your time. If you feel that you need longer to complete class work, lack confidence, can be disorganised, find aspects of school challenging, then this option could be of benefit to you. | There is no homework or assessment. Your progress is monitored by your Learning Studies teacher and the Dean. | Entry to this course is limited. You, your parents, the Head of Learning Support and your Dean can help you to decide if this course is for you. | Mrs Lisa Duggan |
Description | Assessment | Pre-requisites | Voluntary contribution | Specialist equipment | Leads to | Qualification available | To discuss contact |
The focus of this course is to further develop your mathematical thinking and your understanding of mathematical language at Level 4 and below of the New Zealand Curriculum. This will be done under two main strands: Number/Algebra, and Geometry/Measurement. | Progress will be monitored by the teacher with regular feedback provided on the progress you have made. There are no formal assessments but short quizzes and other non formal assessment will be used to monitor progress. | This is an invitation only course. | A scientific calculator, ruler, compass and protractor will be required | Level 1 Numeracy | Lisa Duggan/Colleen Schuster/Lu Chen |