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Senior English

English – Year 11, 11EG

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
In Year 11 English you will study a mixture of written and visual texts. Activities that will help build your enjoyment of English language and literature may include: research, personal reading, close reading of texts, developing your presentation skills and various types of writing.We begin by exploring a language topic, looking at the way language can be manipulated for a particular purpose. Then, throughout the year you will broaden your reading skills with increasingly sophisticated texts. You will explore both non fiction text and fiction texts, and explore a genre. You will be working on the skill of analysis to prepare for Year 12. NilYear 12 EnglishMs Savage

English – Working with Words, Year 11, 11EGW

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
Are you a writer? Charlotte Bronte said, ‘I’m just going to write because I cannot help it.’ Do you feel the same way? Do you have stories to tell, opinions to share and ideas to explore? In this course you will create your own writing project as well as try every style of writing we can think of from poetry, articles, personal essays, letters, scripts, suspense, satire to name a few. We will read and analyse the work of others and learn about their techniques. You will learn to be part of workshopping your material with others. You can enter competitions as well as learn tips and tricks to strengthen your knowledge of grammar and punctuation so that you can write powerfully and precisely. Writers will be producing writing pieces on a regular basis, finishing with a portfolio of their best work. Along the way, we will assess different elements of writing such as editing and proofreading. Part of the assessment process will be based on the ability to give another writer feedback as well as act on feedback given in return. NilYear 12 EnglishMs Savage

English: Literature – Year 12, 12EG

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesQualification availableTo discuss contact
Year 12 English builds on the skills developed at Level 1, and continues to foster and develop your enjoyment of literature and the English language. You will study a mixture of film, novels, short stories and poems, learning about the specific methods text creators use to create meaning and communicate with their audience. You will investigate a topic of personal interest and develop a crafted portfolio of writing that shows off your best skills. A mixture of internal and external assessment will be offered in this course. The majority of assessment is in digital form, so access to a device is advantageous.Nil. NCEA Level 2Ms Savage

English: Projects – Year 12, 12EGP

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
This is a combined Year 12 and 13 course that will focus on exploring your interests and passions via the key skills of English: language features, comprehension, critical thinking, and on helping you interact with and contribute to the wider world. This is a student-led course where you are in charge of your own learning. Your teachers are there to guide you rather than teach you content. You will be encouraged to work with others in the course to develop your abilities to present your learning across a range of media, to discuss it in detail and to express it accurately and in a way that is relevant to your audience. This course also allows you to develop your soft skills – learning better communication, organisation, adaptability, cooperation, etc. You may take this course for two years.You will have a personalised assessment programme. You will develop a portfolio of work from which evidence of achievement relevant to a range of internal achievement standards will be found.Entry to this course is at the discretion of the HOD.NB: Auckland University requires 17 credits in English across Level 2 and/or Level 3.Year 13 English or a second year in English Projects.NCEA Level 2Ms Savage

English: Literature – Year 13, 13EG

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesNBLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
Year 13 English allows you to extend your study of English and deepen your appreciation of literature and language. The course focuses on in-depth studies of literature. This will give you an opportunity to take advantage of your strengths and develop your independence as a learner. You will study both written and visual texts, critically evaluating the ways in which they create meaning, reflect wider socio-historical contexts and explore aspects of human nature. You will also explore how literary and theoretical lenses offer new insights into texts. The course is consciously structured to help you develop many of the skills needed to succeed at university or in the working world, including collaboration and discussion, research and organisation, clarity of expression, self-motivation and independent thinking. A mixture of internal and external assessment will be offered and there will be some degree of choice over which standards you sit. You may choose to be assessed entirely through internal assessment or have a mix of internal and external assessment. The majority of assessment is in digital form, so access to a device is advantageous.There are no formal pre-requisites; however, it is strongly recommended that students have gained 14 credits in L2 English. Students who have not gained these credits must make an appointment to speak with the HOD English during course confirmation at the start of 2025. Auckland University requires 17 credits in English across Level 2 and/or Level 3.Tertiary study, or employmentNCEA Level 3Ms Savage

English: Projects – Year 13, 13EGP

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contactNB
This is a combined Year 12 and 13 course that will focus on exploring your interests and passions via the key skills of English: language features, comprehension, critical thinking, and on helping you interact with and contribute to the wider world. This is a student-led course where you are in charge of your own learning. Your teachers are there to guide you rather than teach you content. You will be encouraged to work with others in the course to develop your abilities to present your learning across a range of media, to discuss it in detail and creatively and to express it accurately and in a way that is relevant to your audience. This course also allows you to develop your soft skills – learning better communication, organisation, adaptability, cooperation, etc. Connections with the local community will be facilitated to explore your interests further. You may take this course for two years.You will have a personalised assessment programme. You will develop a portfolio of work from which evidence of achievement relevant to a range of internal achievement standards will be found.Entry to this course is at the discretion of the HOD. It is recommended that students have gained 14 English credits at Level 2. Students who have not gained these credits must make an appointment with the HOD English during course confirmation at the start of 2025.Tertiary study, or employment.NCEA Level 3Ms SavageAuckland University requires 17 credits in English across Level 2 and/or Level 3.

English Language Literacy – Year 11, 11ELL

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
This course is an alternative to English Year 11, for learners whose first language is not English. It follows a modified English programme based on internal and external English achievement standards. It allows English language learners to gain literacy credits in a supportive environment which develops their language skills and targets their individual progress in English. The context of the course is English literature.A mixture of internal and external assessment using English Achievement Standards will be offered in this course.NilYear 12 English Language Literacy or Year 12 English in the mainstream.Ms Olsen

English Language Literacy – Year 12, 12ELL

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
This course is an alternative to English Year 12, for learners whose first language is not English. It will strengthen your English language skills and allow you to gain the English literacy standards required for University Entrance. In this course you will learn how to: understand and use more complex English, respond orally with confidence and fluency, and develop an understanding of some of the more difficult aspects of the English language. It will be important to use this course to build your academic vocabulary and your ability to write clear, accurate and well-structured English.English Level 2 internal and external standards will be offered in this course.The HOD English Language may advise you to take English Language 2 as well as this class.Year 13 Academic English or Year 13 English in the mainstream.NCEA Level 2Ms Olsen

English Language 1 - EL1

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
This course is for students whose first language is not English. This course will help you with the English language skills you will need to learn successfully at NCEA Level 1. You will build those skills through vocabulary and grammar work, a reading and writing programme based on English Language standards, and oral practice. You will gain confidence as a user of English and grow as an independent learner who knows how to gain meaning from texts and how to share your ideas in written and oral English. This course is fully internally assessed using Level 2 English Language Unit Standards.Nil. The English Language department will accept students in the course after assessing their English language level.Year 12 English Language Literacy and English Language 2Level 2 EL standardsMs Olsen

English Language 2 – EL2

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
This course is for students whose first language is not English. This course concentrates on learning strategies which will help you to read different types of texts in English and to develop your vocabulary by learning new words linked to certain topics. It will also show you how to write accurate and well organised texts in English. You will practise some areas of English grammar, and spend some time improving your English pronunciation and oral fluency. This course is fully internally assessed using Level 3 English Language Unit Standards.Nil. The English Language department will accept students in the course after assessing their English language level. Students doing 11 English Language Literacy or 12 English Language Literacy can also do this course.Year 12 English Language Literacy or Year 13 Academic EnglishNCEA Level 2Ms Olsen

Academic English – Year 13, 13AE

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesNoteQualification availableTo discuss contact
This course prepares English language students who have already gained 10 UE literacy credits, for tertiary study. You will mainly focus on raising the academic level of your written English, analysing deeper meaning in more difficult reading texts, and making sure you can express yourself clearly and confidently in spoken English. It will be important that you work at building a good store of academic English words which you will need for university or other tertiary study. It will also help you to become a really independent learner in English so you can leave prepared for the English language demands of university study.This course is fully internally assessed using Level 3 English for Academic Purposes Standards, English and Communications Skills standards as appropriate.Through discussion with HOD English LanguageThis subject is not on the approved list for University EntranceUE Literacy NCEA level 3 Ms Olsen

English Language Literacy – Year 13, 13ELL

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesNoteQualification availableTo discuss contact
This course is for English language learners and provides you with further opportunities to gain credits for university entrance literacy if you need them. It will help you develop your reading and writing skills in English to a higher level. Attention will also be paid to building confidence and fluency when you are using oral English. Vocabulary and grammar extension will be part of the course too.A combination of English internal and external Achievement Standards and English Language standards at Level 3 and Communication Skills standards as appropriate.You must have completed the 12 English Language Literacy courseThis subject is not on the approved list for University EntranceNCEA Levels 2 & 3Ms Olsen