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Senior Mathematics

Mathematics and Statistics - Year 11

The Mathematics department provides two different courses in Year 11.  Students should select the most appropriate course for their needs. Their teacher will be able to advise them on this. The two courses are:

Mathematics: Application & Interpretation, 11MAP
DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionSpecialist equipmentLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
This course is designed for students who wish to gain a good knowledge of mathematics, but with an emphasis on the applied nature of the subject. It will appeal to students who enjoy the practical application of mathematics to real life situations rather than the more abstract nature of algebra. If you’re thinking of future study in subjects that apply mathematics (such as biology, business or psychology, for example) then this could be the right course for you.Numeracy Co-requisite Assessment Activity Nil.Approximately $20 for course workbooks.A scientific or graphic calculator will be required.Year 12 Mathematics and Statistics (12MS) or Year 12 Mathematics and Statistics Applied (12MAP).Lu Chen and Colleen Schuster
Mathematics: Algebra & relationships, 11MAG
DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionSpecialist equipmentLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
This course is designed for students who wish to gain a good knowledge of mathematics, with an emphasis on algebra and relationships. It will appeal to students who enjoy exploring mathematical concepts and generalising patterns. If you’re thinking of future study in subjects that require a mathematical background (such as chemistry, economics or engineering, for example) then this could be the right course for you.Numeracy Co-requisite Assessment Activity Nil.Approximately $20 for course workbooks.A scientific or graphic calculator will be required.Year 12 Mathematics and Statistics (12MS) or Year 12 Mathematics and Statistics Applied (12MAP).Lu Chen and Colleen Schuster
Mathematics and Statistics, 12MS
DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionSpecialist equipmentLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
This course follows Level 7 of the curriculum. To be successful in this course you will require strong algebra skills and these skills will need to continue to develop and improve throughout the year. As well as extending your skills in graphing and in statistical analysis you will be introduced to some new concepts in Calculus and in Probability. A mixture of internal assessment and external examinations will be offered in this course.Good Algebra skills from Year 11. This may be from the end of topic tests.Approximately $39 for a set of workbooks.It is a course requirement to have a Graphics calculator for each lesson (any Casio model is recommended). This is important as it allows students to get comfortable with the necessary calculator functions prior to their examinations. If it is not possible for whānau to purchase such a calculator, please contact the Head of Mathematics to make alternative arrangements.Mathematics and Calculus or Mathematics and Statistics or Mathematics and Statistics Applied in Year 13. Students who achieve at Merit level both the Algebra and Caculus external examination may choose to take Year 13 Mathematics and Calculus (13MC).NCEA Level 2.Lu Chen and Colleen Schuster
Mathematics and Statistics Applied, 12MAP
DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionSpecialist equipmentLeads toNoteQualification availableTo discuss contact
This course follows Level 7 of the curriculum but has been designed for students who have found Algebra challenging at Year 11. This course offers five internally assessed standards and one external examination. This will suit students who feel that they achieve better results by completing the majority of the coursework through internal assessments during the year. New to you in this course will be Networks and a deeper exploration of the Statistical enquiry cycle. You will also continue to extend your probability theory and trigonometry skills.5 Achievement Standards that are internally assessed and 1 externally assessed standard.Good Statistics and Number skills from Year 11. This may be from the end of topic tests.Approximately $31 for a set of workbooks.A graphic calculator is required for students for all the statistics standards, including the external examination (a Casio model is recommended). This is important as it allows students to get comfortable with the necessary calculator functions prior to the assessments. If it is not possible for whānau to purchase such a calculator, please contact the Head of Mathematics to make alternative arrangements.Mathematics and Statistics Applied(13MAP) or Mathematics and Statistics in Year 13 (13MS).Students who achieve at Merit level in the Statistical Inference internal assessment and the Probability external examination may choose to take Year 13 Mathematics and Statistics (13MS).NCEA Level 2.Lu Chen and Colleen Schuster
Mathematics with Statistics, 13MS
DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionSpecialist equipmentLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
This course covers topics in Mathematics and Statistics that were introduced in Year 12. To be successful in this course you need good statistical analysis skills. The Probability content covers probability theory and probability distributions. The Statistical content covers evaluate statistical reports and analysing time series data. Applications relating to critical path analysis will also be assessed.3 external standards and 2 internal standards will be offered in this course.12 Achievement Standard credits in Mathematics at NCEA Level 2 including those in Statistics and Probability. Students who achieve at Merit level in the Statistical Inference internal assessment and the Probability external examination. Approximately $20 for a set of workbooks.A graphic calculator is required for this course (a Casio model is recommended). This is important as it allows students to get comfortable with the necessary calculator functions prior to their examinations. If it is not possible for whānau to purchase such a calculator, please contact the Head of Maths, to make alternative arrangements. UE is available from this course. It will lead to Tertiary study.NCEA Level 3.Lu Chen and Colleen Schuster
Mathematics with Statistics Applied, 13MAP
DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
This course covers a mixture of statistics and calculus topics. The focus is on mathematical applications. Some of the topics include making a statistical inference, bivariate data, linear programming, simultaneous equations and conic sections. 5 Achievement Standards that are internally assessed.12 Achievement Standard credits in Mathematics at NCEA Level 2 (from 12MS or 12MAP).$30 for a set of workbooks.UE is available from this course. It will lead to Tertiary study.NCEA Level 3.Lu Chen and Colleen Schuster

Mathematics with Calculus – Year 13, 13MC

DescriptionAssessmentPre-requisitesVoluntary contributionSpecialist equipmentLeads toQualification availableTo discuss contact
This course develops the concepts of differentiation, integration and algebra that were introduced in Year 12. To be successful, you need to have strong algebraic skills; approximately half of the course covers new work in differentiation and integration. The remainder covers modelling with trigonometric functions and complex numbers.3 external standards and 1 internal standard will be offered in this course.Merit or higher achievement in both the Algebra and the Calculus Level 2 standards. This may be from the derived grade examinations and/or the end of year NCEA external examinations.Approximately $25 for a set of workbooks.It is a course requirement to have a Graphics calculator for each lesson (a Casio model is recommended). This is important as it allows students to get comfortable with the necessary calculator functions prior to their examinations. If it is not possible for whānau to purchase such a calculator, please contact the Head of Maths, to make alternative arrangements. UE is available from this course. It will lead to Tertiary study.NCEA Level 3.Lu Chen and Colleen Schuster